How do I file a small claim in Dane County Wisconsin?

You can obtain all necessary Summons and Complaint forms in the Dane County Legal Resource Center, Room L1007, Dane County Courthouse, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, telephone: (608) 266-6316. You will need to complete the form, file the original and provide enough copies for service.

How do I file a small claims in Wisconsin?

Go to the courthouse. The small claims court clerk will supply you with the necessary forms (a summons and a complaint form) to begin your action. List your name as the plaintiff. You are the person filing the lawsuit.

How much does it cost to file a small claims case in Wisconsin?

Electronically filed cases are subject to a fee of $20 per case per party. See page 4. CSS = court support services surcharge, 814.85: $51 for claims $10,000 or less, $169 for claims over $10,000, $68 for claims other than money judgments.

What form do you complete to file a Summons and complaint in small claims court in WI?

Complete the Summons and Complaint, (SC-500) form or Summons and Complaint (with Instructions), (SC-500I) form and make two (2) copies for each defendant. Take the original and copies to the clerk of court’s office for filing and payment of the filing fee.

Can you make a case against someone who owes me money?

If someone owes you money and they refuse to pay you at the agreed time, you may take the matter to the Small Claims Court. If someone has bought goods such as furniture from you and they have failed to pay for it, you can take the matter to the Small Claims Court.

Does small claims need certificate to file action?

A small claims action is commenced by filing with the court an accomplished and verified Statement of Claim (Form 1-SCC) in duplicate, accompanied by a Certification Against Forum Shopping (Form 1-A-SCC), and two duly certified photocopies of the actionable document/s subject of the claim, as well as the affidavits of …