What does genuinely curious mean?

When you’re genuinely curious, you assume that other people may have information that you don’t have. You also assume that others may see things that you may miss. As a result, you consider your point of view open to change.

What does a genuinely mean?

in a real or genuine way
Definition of genuinely : in a real or genuine way : truly a genuinely funny movie some genuinely disturbing news She was genuinely surprised by their decision. The audience was genuinely moved by the performance.

What do you call a person who is curious?

inquisitive, nosy. (or nosey), prying, snoopy.

What does curiosity mean in the dictionary?

the desire to learn or know about anything
noun, plural cu·ri·os·i·ties. the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness. a curious, rare, or novel thing. a strange, curious, or interesting quality.

What means genuine question?

A genuine question is one that stems from curiosity. You ask so that you may learn something you don’t already know. In contrast, a rhetorical or leading question is one you ask to make your point of view known without explicitly stating it.

What is a positive word for curious?

“inquisitiveness” and “inquiringness.” inquisitive: given to inquiry, research, or asking questions; eager for knowledge; intellectually curious: an inquisitive mind.

Is it good to be a curious person?

Curious people are happier. Research has shown curiosity to be associated with higher levels of positive emotions, lower levels of anxiety, more satisfaction with life, and greater psychological well-being.

How do you use the word curious?

Curious sentence example

  1. She looked up at him with a curious smile.
  2. I’m just a curious citizen.
  3. We make curious mistakes sometimes.
  4. There were many curious onlookers.
  5. I’m curious to find out where the nicest car my family has ever owned has been parked!
  6. Deidre stared down at the curious kids gathering around her.

Is curiosity a good thing?

Does genuine mean real?

Genuine things are true or authentic. When you’re talking about people, being genuine has to do with being sincere. This word has to do with things and people that are true. A genuine blonde is a real blonde — no hair dye involved.

How do you use genuinely in a sentence?

Genuinely sentence example

  1. Gabe asked, genuinely interested.
  2. Xander glanced at the Original Human, who seemed genuinely pleased.
  3. He sounded genuinely puzzled.
  4. The phrases still quoted from him have nothing of an antiquated sound, while they have a genuinely idiomatic ring.