What does it mean when they crash the West Wing?

When initially securing the Oval Office the Secret Service mentions that “Bamboo shoots ready”, which Bartlet translates as they want him in the Presidential motorcade. Later, Ron calls for them to “crash it”, which means a total lockdown and communications blackout until they can secure the premises.

Where did Josh Lyman get shot?

Toby is looking for Josh and asks Charlie if he has seen him. Toby spies Josh and goes over to him and finds him holding his hands which are covered in blood on a gunshot wound to his abdomen.

What episode is Josh Lyman shot?

“The West Wing” In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Part I (TV Episode 2000) – IMDb.

What episode of The West Wing does the White House get shot?

The West Wing: Shots Fired On The White House. season 4 episode 20, “Evidence of Things Not Seen”.

What were the four words west wing?

He writes a note on a piece of paper and tells the Vice President he’s staying on the ticket because of the four words he just wrote down, which he passes to the Vice President, who then hands it to Leo. The four words? “Because I Could Die.”

What happens to Josh Lyman?

Josh Lyman works as the Deputy White House Chief of Staff during the Bartlet Administration. Lyman later works as the campaign manager for Matt Santos and eventually takes a position as Chief of Staff during the Santos Administration.

What is the best episode of the West Wing?

30 Best West Wing Episodes Ranked

  • 2162 Votes (Season 6, Episode 22)
  • Mr.
  • In This White House (Season 2, Episode 4)
  • Bad Moon Rising (Season 2, Episode 9)
  • 20 Hours in America: Part I (Season 4, Episode 1)
  • Somebody’s Going to Emergency, Somebody’s Going to Jail (Season 2, Episode 16)
  • Shutdown (Season 5, Episode 8)

What is the first line of the West Wing?

The first words of the series are “Two Absolut martinis, another Dewers rocks. The iconic West Wing opening credits tune by Snuffy Walden is not heard in the pilot.

Who has the most lines in the West Wing?

But while Bartlet doesn’t have the most lines in the show, it turns out he speaks the most words of any character. Also worth noting — Josh Lyman spoke ~10,000 words more than CJ, ~18,000 more than Toby, and around 20,000 more than Sam or Leo!

What is the format of the west wing?

The West Wing Original network NBC Picture format 480i 4:3 (seasons 1–2) 1080i 16:9 (seaso Audio format Dolby Digital 5.1 Original release September 22, 1999 ( 1999-09-22) – May 1

What do you think about the west wing?

The West Wing, in her opinion, gave greater depth to the political process usually espoused only in stilted talking points on shows like Face the Nation and Meet the Press. However, she noted that the merits of a particular argument may be obscured by the viewer’s opinion of the character.

What are some copycats of the west wing?

The success of The West Wing accounts has resulted in several copycats, including accounts from several minor or obscure West Wing characters, including Gail, the fish in C.J.’s office. In March 2016, The West Wing Weekly podcast hosted by Hrishikesh Hirway and Joshua Malina began.

Are all seasons of the west wing available in HD?

“Politically Direct”. Politically Direct with David Bender. 14:17 minutes in. Air America Radio. Archived from the original on February 3, 2009. ^ Lawler, Richard (November 5, 2010). “All seven seasons of The West Wing finally available in HD… but only online”. Engadget. Archived from the original on June 22, 2018. Retrieved June 22, 2018.