What is the Army evaluation system?
What is the Army evaluation system?
Evaluation Entry System (EES) is the Army’s forms system for Army Officer Evaluation Reports (OERs) and NonCommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs).
Can you access EES from home?
54 Page 3 3 Accessing the Evaluation Entry System (EES) Users must use the https://evaluations.hrc.army.mil/ web address to access EES. Users will select their Digital Certificate and select “OK.” After users select the appropriate CAC card certificate, the web address will take users to the “Terms of Use” page.
How do I access my army OER?
To access Army EES or ERS, follow these steps: Open a fresh web browser (Microsoft Edge or Chrome; Firefox only if configured with ActivClient) and go to EES or ERS. Select SIGN IN WITH CAC/PIV. Select the AUTHENTICATION certificate when prompted. Enter your six-digit PIN for your CAC.
How do I test my Ncoer?
A6-9. On the landing page in EES, select the Continue/View Active NCOERs radio button, the hyper link will go to a page which will display the list of recently processed and pending evaluations (active evaluations). The status of the evaluation will be displayed.
What is a referred OER Army?
A referred OER is the officer’s chance to explain the situation. and challenge ratings or comments. After submitting comments, the rater can adjust the evaluation, but cannot rebut the rated officer’s statements. The officer’s comments will be filed alongside the OER when it is filed with Human Resources Command.
How to access EES evaluation entry system?
Evaluation Entry System (EES) is the Army’s forms system for Army Officer Evaluation Reports (OERs) and NonCommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs). OER Training PowerPoint / PDF. Video instructing how to use EES. Pre usage Windows Steps for Windows computers. PreAccess 1: Have a CAC Reader. PreAccess 2: Install DoD Certificates.
What is the Army evaluation reporting system?
What does the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS) identify? The ERS identifies officers and non-commissioned officers who are best qualified for promotion and assignments to positions of higher responsibility. ERS also identifies Soldiers who should be kept on active duty, those who should be retained in grade, and those who should be eliminated. 4
What does EES stand for in Army?
What does MAR2 stand for Army?
What is the New Army enlisted evaluation system?
the Army’s Evaluation Reporting System, including officer, noncommissioned of-ficer, and academic evaluation reports fo-cused on the assessment of performance and potential. It includes operating tasks and rules in support of operating tasks. It has been revised to update policy on use of new academic evaluation report forms; in-