How read a string from line by line in C#?

Read a file line-by-line with C#

  1. Using File.ReadLines() method. The recommended solution to read a file line by line is to use the File. ReadLines() method, which optionally takes a specific character encoding.
  2. Using File. ReadAllLines() method.
  3. Using StreamReader. ReadLine() method.

How do I read the first line of a text file in C#?

The ReadLine method of StreamReader reads one line at a time.

  1. // Read file using StreamReader. Reads file line by line.
  2. using(StreamReader file = new StreamReader(textFile)) {
  3. int counter = 0;
  4. string ln;
  5. while ((ln = file.ReadLine()) != null) {
  6. Console.WriteLine(ln);
  7. counter++;
  8. }

Which method is used to read all the lines one by one in a file in C#?

ReadAllLines() method
Use ReadAllLines() method to read all the lines one by one in a file.

Which of the following methods reads a single text line from the stream and returns NULL when end of file is reached?

StreamReader ReadLine
C# StreamReader ReadLine The ReadLine method reads a line of characters from the current stream and returns the data as a string. It returns null if the end of the input stream is reached. The example reads the whole file line by line by using the ReadLine method.

What does ReadLine () do in C#?

The C# readline method is mainly used to read the complete string until the user presses the Enter key or a newline character is found. Using this method, each line from the standard data input stream can be read. It is also used to pause the console so that the user can take a look at the output.

How do I read the first line of a text file?

Use file. readline() to read a single line from a file Call file. readline() to get the first line of the file and store this in a variable first_line . Create a second variable, last_line , and iterate through all lines in the file until the end.

Which method is used to read all the lines one by one in a file?

The readline() method helps to read just one line at a time, and it returns the first line from the file given. We will make use of readline() to read all the lines from the file given. To read all the lines from a given file, you can make use of Python readlines() function.

How do you read all lines of a string?

ReadAllLines(String) is an inbuilt File class method that is used to open a text file then reads all lines of the file into a string array and then closes the file. Syntax: public static string[] ReadAllLines (string path);

What is stream Reader C#?

C# StreamReader is used to read characters to a stream in a specified encoding. StreamReader. Read method reads the next character or next set of characters from the input stream. StreamReader is inherited from TextReader that provides methods to read a character, block, line, or all content.

How does ReadLine work in C#?