What happens after failing matric?

If you are disappointed with your results or have failed matric there are options available. Candidates may apply for re-marking or re-checking of examination answer scripts immediately after receiving their results.

How do you deal with failing matric?

10 Things You Should Do After Failing Matric

  1. Be positive.
  2. Remember that Other People Fail Too.
  3. Writing supplementary exams.
  4. Repeating the year.
  5. Think about where and how you are going to repeat.
  6. Consider another higher education institution.
  7. Consider a different course or part-time study.
  8. Vocational training.

Can you upgrade if you failed matric?

A matric upgrade is a second chance at your matric final exams. Once you have written your finals and gotten your results, you can do a matric upgrade to essentially redo whichever exams that need better marks. You can apply right now to do your matric course at Matric College.

How do I handle my life after matric?

MATRIC class of 2020 take a bow for you have completed your final year of high school and that too during a pandemic….Here are six helpful guidelines on what you can do to prepare for life after matric.

  1. Find a mentor.
  2. Further your studies.
  3. Work experience.
  4. Gap year.
  5. Take a career quiz.
  6. Do what makes you happy.

Can I go back to school if I failed matric?

The first and most logical way to deal with failing matric is to go back to school. If you repeat your matric year right after you failed, you will be able to work harder for your matric certificate. Remember that without a matric certificate, you will not be able to apply to any university degrees.

Can someone who failed matric go to college?

Matric exam pass requirements are set up by the National Qualifications Framework(NQF). Failing to meet the minimum pass requirements in your November exams simply means that you are unable to enter into a degree course at this time.

How do I get a job without a matric certificate?

The answer is simple, YES, ofcourse you can get a job without a matric certificate. There are alternative options for students who do not have their matric certificate yet and these include volunteering, completing an internship and staring with entry level jobs.

Is life after matric hard?

Life after Matric can be simple or difficult depending on your mindset. If you have passed Matric, you are one step closer to your dream career. This is a great achievement, as it is the start of your career.

What job can I do after matric?

Whilst there are many different degrees available, most careers can be followed via nine common fields of study:

  • Arts (BA)
  • Commerce (BCom)
  • Sciences (BSc)
  • Education BEd.
  • Engineering (BEng)
  • Building Science (including Architecture)
  • Agriculture.
  • Medicine.

Can I be police without matric?

You are able to study policing without a matric, however many job opportunities require a matric as a minimum qualification requirement. There are opportunities available to learners without a matric certificate to help you build on industry experience.