How long does it take FTB to process return?

Allow at least 8 weeks to receive the new refund check.

How do I request a refund from FTB?

Provide us a written statement with supporting documents listing the facts to support your claim. Use one of the following forms to file a reasonable cause claim for refund: Reasonable Cause – Individual and Fiduciary Claim for Refund (FTB 2917) Reasonable Cause – Business Entity Claim for Refund (FTB 2924)

Is the FTB accepting returns?

January 3, 2022 is the first day to transmit live current year returns to FTB. We accept and process e-file returns year round. File and pay on time (April 15th) to avoid penalties and fees . Use web pay for businesses to make your payment.

Why is my California state refund taking so long?

What Causes California State Refunds To Be Delayed? Some California state tax returns for extra review, leading to longer processing times. The FTB needs to review more complex returns for: Accuracy.

When should I expect my California state refund?

It typically takes up to three weeks to process refunds for e-filed California returns, and up to four weeks for mailed returns. Some returns may take additional time to review, impacting refund processing.

Are California tax refunds delayed 2020?

Will my federal tax refund be delayed? While the IRS is still fighting to distribute refunds in the wake of COVID-19 changes to the tax-system, there has been no official announcement of delays for refunds if you filed electronically.

Where is my state California refund?

To check the status of your California state refund online, go to Then, click on “Check Your Refund”. You can check on refund status by phone: 1-800-338-0505 or +1 (916) 845-6500 (outside the U.S.) Weekdays, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Why have I not received my California tax refund?

What time of day does the IRS deposit refunds into your account?

Does the irs make direct deposits throughout the day or just in the am or pm? Normally they sent to your bank between 12am and 1am. That does not mean it will go directly into your bank account. You bank can take up to 5 days to deposit it but normally it only takes a few hours.

Is California state refund delayed?

It typically takes up to three weeks to process refunds for e-filed California returns, and up to four weeks for mailed returns. Some returns may take additional time to review, if manual verification is required, impacting refund processing.

Where is my tax refund?

Download the IRS2Go app to check your refund status. Where’s My Refund? will display the status of your refund, usually on the most recent tax year refund we have on file for you. Online Account allows you to securely access more information about your individual account. Where’s My Amended Return? Should You Call the IRS?

Can You pour coagulated blood out of smeltery?

Unlike other Slime Balls, Coagulated Blood is able to be poured out of the Smeltery. Issues relating to “Coagulated Blood” are maintained on the issue tracker. Report issues there.

How do I know when my refund is approved?

When the IRS processes your tax return and approves your refund, you can see your actual personalized refund date. Even though the IRS issues most refunds in less than 21 days after we receive your tax return, it’s possible your tax return may require additional review and take longer.

Is the Golden State stimulus an income tax refund?

The Golden State Stimulus is not an income tax refund. If your mailing address is 1234 Main Street, the numbers are 1234. Some tax returns need extra review for accuracy, completeness, and to protect taxpayers from fraud and identity theft. Extra processing time