What is the best command BOT for discord?

The best Discord bots plus their features

  1. MEE6. MEE6 is a bot that enables you to automate tasks like sending welcome messages.
  2. Dank Memer. If you want a fun Discord atmosphere, then you might want to consider adding the Dank Memer bot to your list.
  3. Helper.gg.
  4. ProBot.
  5. IdleRPG.
  6. Community Hubs.
  7. Tip.cc.
  8. Double Counter.

Is Carl Bot a good bot?

Carl Bot Carl Bot is brimming with automod functions that make it one of the best moderation bots out there, and it lets you log name changes among people on your server, so you can make sure no one’s up to mischief. There are tons more features here. (Auto-feeds and DMs on name mention are just a few.)

How do you spawn bots in your town in Roblox?


  1. ! spawnbot – Typing one of the few bots after this command will summon them into the world. – After typing the bot’s type, you can type the weapon and armor you would want to give it to. (
  2. Example – ! spawnbot NPC AK47 Tenor.

Does Natural Selection 2 have bots?

While Natural Selection 2 doesn’t have the problem of an inactive player base, bots are still great to just relax, toy around with things and play by yourself (in a way) without bothering anyone or having anyone bother you.

What bot is better than MEE6?

Dyno. Dyno is a fully customizable server moderation bot that specializes in automation. While bots like Tatsumaki and MEE6 put a lot of development into custom systems that revolve around leveling and chat incentives, Dyno is all about server management.

How much does MEE6 cost?

With MEE6 premium, you can reward users with special roles once they reach a certain level, connect multiple Twitch and YouTube channels to your server, and further customize your moderation messages. MEE6 premium costs $11.95/month, $49.99 for a full year, or $89.90 for lifetime use on one server.

Is Yagpdb better than dyno?

Best moderation bot According to Reddit, this bot is also split between two, YAGPDB and Dyno. YAGPDB has more features and offers a range of moderation options but Dyno is much easier to set up and manage. If you’re new to Discord, Dyno might be a good place to start for basic moderation options.

Which is better MEE6 or dyno?

I wholeheartedly recommend Dyno for moderation and general usefulness. It’s an extremely well developed service serving over a million servers, including many of my own, particularly a 59k verified server I admin. I would trust that server to none of those others. Mee6 has service level issues.

What is the strongest armor in town Roblox?

There’s “ФСБ” written on the front of his vest (which means “FSB”, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation). Its helmet is the most powerful in the whole game.

What are the commands in town?

Town Commands

Command Description Access
/town add Sends an invite to [player-name] to join your town. Mayor, Assistants
/town members Shows a list of members for the town you are in. Everybody
/town deposit Deposits [amount] into your town’s treasury. Residents
/town withdraw Withdraws [amount] from your town’s treasury. Mayors

How do you add bots in Natural Selection 2?

You can still start a local server with bots:

  1. Create a Server via the Server Browser.
  2. Open the console via ~ or whatever key is above tab and next to 1 at your keyboard.
  3. Enter. addbots 5 1.
  4. Enter. addbots 5 2.
  5. Enter.
  6. Enter.
  7. Close the console via ~ or whatever key is above tab and next to 1 at your keyboard.
  8. Join a team.