Is a Remington 870 good for deer hunting?

In short, it’s reliable and predictable. It can take a beating. And despite my attempts to swap over to an 1100 and many other models, I always went back to it for deer. Its biggest use these days is as my home defense gun because I trust it, know it better than any other shotgun I’ve owned.

What’s the difference between a Remington 870 Wingmaster and 870 Express?

Wingmasters have either walnut or mahogany stocks and fore-ends. The Express is built from laminated wood or has a synthetic stock and fore-end, which is more common to see in duck camps because of its supreme durability. Wingmaster 870s also have polished receivers; Express pumps don’t.

Does a Remington 870 Express have a rifled barrel?

This 870 Express® is specifically made for deer hunting, featuring a 20″ fully rifled slug barrel with rifle sights.

What is the best shotgun for deer hunting?

Best Shotguns for Hunting

  • Remington 870.
  • Weatherby SA-08.
  • Winchester SXP.
  • CZ USA Drake.
  • Benelli Ethos.
  • Browning Citori 725 Field.
  • Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon.
  • Benelli Super Black Eagle 3 B.E.S.T.

What is better for deer hunting 12 or 20-gauge?

Go with 12-Gauge or Larger for Deer This means most hunters will be best served by a 12-gauge. 16-gauges gauges can get the job done, and 20-gauge shotguns are easier for smaller hunters, but almost every deer hunter during shotgun season is toting a 12-gauge shotgun, while some will go even larger with a 10-gauge.

How many shells will a Remington 870 Express hold?

It is chambered in 12 gauge, with a 14″ barrel and a capacity of 4+1.

When was the Remington 870 Express made?

There are many “870” variants, and the first Remington 870 “Express” hit the market in 1987.

Can you hunt with Remington 870?

The Remington 870 is also a perfect choice for hunting small game, such as rabbits and squirrels. When loaded with buckshot, it’s a deadly hunting shotgun for pursuing big game, such as deer and feral hogs at close range. Finally, you can also easily change out the barrel and install a rifled barrel with better sights.

What size shells can a Remington 870 Express shoot?

Express – Matte blue/black bead-blasted with hardwood, laminated hardwood or synthetic stocks and chambered for 2 3/4″ and 3″ 12 or 20 gauge shot shells. All Expresses have been chambered in 3″ in 12 and 20 gauge, but markings have varied.