How do you pronounce Cuchillo?


  1. koo. – chee. – yoh.
  2. ku. – tʃi. – ʝo.
  3. cu. – chi. – llo.

What is a Cuchara in English?

cuchara, la ~ (f) (cucharón) ladle, the ~ Noun. tablespoon, the ~ Noun. server, the ~ Noun.

What does Cuchi mean in English?

pig ⧫ hog (esp US)

What is es la una used for?

Before feminine singular nouns → use la. Before feminine singular nouns starting with stressed a or ha → use el. Before masculine plural nouns → use los. Before feminine plural nouns → use las….3 Using the definite article.

Es la una. It’s one o’clock.
Son las cuatro y media. It’s half past four.

What does Cuchillos mean in Spanish?

knife and fork, irons.

What is Kuchi?

The word “kuchi-e” (口絵) is usually translated into English as mouth (kuchi) picture (e). However, “kuchi” (口) may also mean opening, as it does in the compound words iri-guchi 入口 (entrance) and de-guchi 出口 (exit).

What does Cuchi mean in Venezuela?

cuchi (plural cuchis) (Venezuela) cute, adorable, lovely synonym ▲ Synonym: (Spain) mono.

What do Unos and unas mean?

Unos means ‘some’ or ‘a few, ‘ masculine. Unas means ‘some’ or ‘a few, ‘ feminine.

How do you use UN and una?

  1. Before masculine singular nouns → use un.
  2. Before feminine singular nouns → use una.
  3. Before feminine singular nouns starting with stressed a or ha → use un.
  4. Before masculine plural nouns → use unos.
  5. Before feminine plural nouns → use unas.
  6. You do not use an indefinite article in Spanish for saying what someone’s job is.

Who are the Cuchillos in on my block?

Stacy ‘Cuchillos’ Jaramillo was a recurring character in Season 3 of On My Block. She was the main antagonist of Season 3 and the leader of the Santos. She was portrayed by Ada Luz Pla-Williams.

How do you say Vaso in English?


  1. glass, the ~ Noun.
  2. goblet, the ~ Noun.
  3. drinking glass, the ~ Noun.
  4. cup, the ~ Noun.
  5. mug, the ~ Noun. ‐ with handle and usually cylindrical.