What happened on the first day of the Battle of Passchendaele?

July 31, 1917Battle of Passchendaele / Start date

What went wrong at Passchendaele?

The casualty count was compounded by waterlogged conditions on the ground due to heavy rains and a drainage system busted by bombardment.

Who attacked first in the battle of Passchendaele?


First Battle of Passchendaele
The morning after the First Battle of Passchendaele
Date 12 October 1917 Location Ypres Salient, Belgium 50°54′1″N 3°1′16″E Result German victory
British Empire Australia New Zealand United Kingdom France German Empire

Why was the Battle of Passchendaele so bloody?

The foul weather had made the ground difficult to advance across. It also conspired to keep aircraft from acting as spotters over the German lines. As a result, the artillery had trouble targeting the Germans. Even when they hit the right areas, shells sank deep into the mud.

How many men drowned at Passchendaele?

Total casualties at Passchendaele were estimated at some 500,000, about 275,000 British and Commonwealth and maybe more than 200,000 Germans. Nearly 15,700 Canadians and 5300 New Zealanders fell there, killed, wounded or missing.

How did the battle of Passchendaele start?

On 31 July, the British began a new offensive, attempting to break through German lines by capturing a ridge near the ruined village of Passchendaele. After British, Australian and New Zealand troops launched failed assaults, the Canadian Corps joined the battle on 26 October.

How many shells were fired at Passchendaele?

4¼ million shells
Thus the offensive at Passchendaele was launched on the 18th July 1917 with a bombardment of the German lines involving 3,000 guns. In the 10 days that followed, it is estimated that over 4¼ million shells were fired. Many of these would have been filled by the brave Lasses of Barnbow.

What did lice do to soldiers in ww1?

Soldiers also had to deal with lice, which hid in the seams of their clothes and left blotchy red bites all over their bodies. The lice carried a disease known as trench fever, which could put a soldier out of action for months. Soldiers in the trenches must have dreamt of the day they could leave.

Was Passchendaele the bloodiest war?

The Battle of Passchendaele, also known as the Third Battle of Ypres, was fought during the First World War from 31 July to 10 November 1917….Canada and the Battle of Passchendaele.

Battle of Passchendaele (Third Battle of Ypres)
Date 31 July 1917 to 10 November 1917
Casualties 275,000 British* 220,000 Germans* 15,654 Canadians (over 4,000 killed) *estimated

Why is the battle of Passchendaele so famous?

Legacy. The Canadian victory at Passchendaele was truly impressive and added to our nation’s growing reputation as having the best offensive fighting force on the Western Front. This status meant that our forces would be at the forefront of the series of advances that eventually won the war for the Allies a year later.

Who won the battle of Passchendaele?

After more than three months of bloody combat, the Third Battle of Ypres effectively comes to an end on November 6, 1917, with a hard-won victory by British troops at the Belgian village of Passchendaele.