What are the steps in the interactive process?

Interactive Process

  1. Step 1: Recognizing an Accommodation Request.
  2. Step 2: Gathering Information.
  3. Step 3: Exploring Accommodation Options.
  4. Step 4: Choosing an Accommodation.
  5. Step 5: Implementing the Accommodation.
  6. Step 6: Monitoring the Accommodation.

What does the ADA interactive process look like?

In the interactive process—a discussion about an applicant’s or employee’s disability–the applicant or employee, health care provider and employer each share information about the nature of the disability and the limitations that may affect his or her ability to perform the essential job duties.

What is the interactive process in HR?

What Is The Interactive Process? The Interactive Process is the way in which employees, supervisors, and their departments determine whether reasonable accommodation can be made to an employee. The interactive process obligation applies to both workers’ compensation and non- industrial related injuries or illnesses.

What is the interactive process under ADA?

The interactive process is used to determine whether an effective and reasonable accommodation is available for an employee under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The interactive process is required and simply means the employee with a disability and the employer work together to determine an accommodation.

What is the meaning of interactive process?

Interactive process means a timely, good faith process that includes a discussion between the employer and the employee for the purpose of arriving at a mutually beneficial arrangement for a work schedule that meets the needs of the employee and the employer.

What is interactive process meeting?

The interactive process is the collaborative effort involving the employer, employee and the employee’s supervisor to discuss information about the nature of the disability and the limitations that may affect the employee’s ability to perform the essential job duties due to a work or non-work-related injury, disease or …

Can employer initiate interactive process?

The EEOC’s guidance provides that “an employer should initiate the reasonable accommodation interactive process without being asked if the employer (1) knows that he employee has a disability, (2) knows, or has reason to know, that the employee is experiencing workplace problems because of the disability, and (3) knows …

What triggers the interactive process?

What Triggers The Interactive Process? The Interactive Process is triggered as soon as the employer becomes aware that the employee may have a mental or physical impairment that limits his/her ability to perform any aspect of his/her job.

What are examples of reasonable accommodations?

What types of accommodations are generally considered reasonable?

  • Change job tasks.
  • Provide reserved parking.
  • Improve accessibility in a work area.
  • Change the presentation of tests and training materials.
  • Provide or adjust a product, equipment, or software.
  • Allow a flexible work schedule.

What if an employee does not engage in the interactive process?

Reasonable accommodations for disabled employees are required by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Just as failure to provide a reasonable accommodation is an ADA violation, failure to engage in the interactive process may itself be a violation of the ADA.

What is an interactive meeting?

In short, an interactive process is the legally required discussion between employer and employee that comes into play when an employee actually has – or is perceived by the employer to have – a physical or mental health condition that makes working difficult (legally called a “disability”).

What is an ADA meeting?

It’s an interactive process between the employer or the HR department and the disabled employee to discuss the best solution or necessary accommodations.