How do you encourage someone to recover?
How do you encourage someone to recover?
10 Tips For How To Support Someone In Recovery From Addiction
- Check in on them and actively listen.
- Reduce friction and unnecessary arguments.
- Encourage healthy habits.
- Don’t judge.
- Encourage and support them.
- Practice patience.
- Educate yourself on addiction and recovery.
- Set healthy boundaries.
What to say to a recovering?
8 Things to Say to Someone in Recovery
- I Love You.
- You’re Not Alone.
- Everyone Needs Help Sometimes.
- How Are You Feeling?
- How Can I Help?
- Let’s Hang Out.
- I’m Proud of You.
- I Know You Are Struggling, But There’s Always Hope.
What should I be grateful for in recovery?
Top 10 things to be thankful for in recovery:
- Rekindled relationships with family and friends.
- Revived passion for the outdoors.
- Getting back in touch with your creative side.
- Feeling emotions again.
- Health and wellness.
- Positive changes in your body.
- Making smarter choices.
- Optimism and inspiration.
How do you talk to someone at recovery?
Why Speak About Recovery with One Voice?
- Make it personal, however possible, so that it has credibility.
- Keep it simple and in the present tense, so that it is real and understandable.
- Help people understand that recovery means that you or the person you care about is no longer using alcohol or other drugs.
How can I help a friend in recovery?
- Be Patient. Recovery is a long journey, and not a linear one.
- Be Supportive of Their Recovery.
- Plan Fun Sober Activities.
- Provide Emotional Support.
- Don’t Drink or Use Substances around your Friend.
- Don’t Be Judgmental.
- Don’t Offer Unsolicited Advice.
- Don’t Question Them.
How do you encourage someone?
12 Of The Best Ways To Encourage Someone
- 1 – Smile!
- 2- Listen.
- 3- Acknowledge.
- 4 – Catch them doing something right and let them know you noticed.
- 5 – Share positive thoughts as soon as they occurs to you.
- 6 – Praise effort and progress, no matter how small.
- 7 – Tell them how they helped.
- 8 – Boost morale.
What do you write on a sobriety card?
Below are some sample messages you can use.
- “I’m so happy to see you taking care of yourself.”
- “You’ve grown into such a strong and independent person.”
- “I’m so proud of you and the progress you’ve made.”
- “You deserve to be happy.”
- “I’m happy you’re doing so well.
- “You are deserving of a happy and sober life.”
What do you say to someone who is sober?
What to say to someone on their sobriety anniversary
- “I’m so proud of you.”
- “You’re doing incredible work.
- “I’m here if you ever need anything.”
- “I am so happy you’re doing well.”
- “You are truly inspiring to others who are struggling with addiction.”
- “You’ve grown to become such a confident and strong person.”
What should I be grateful for today?
Things To Be Thankful For In Life
- Your family.
- Close friends.
- Good health.
- Your home.
- Your job.
- Healthy food.
- Your education.
- Your pets.