What is the best blade for cutting concrete?

Diamond saw blades
Diamond saw blades are typically the best choice when it comes to making clean, professional cuts in concrete.

How long does a diamond concrete saw blade last?

between 12 and 120 hours
Diamond blades usually cost between $15 and $75. They can last between 12 and 120 hours of continuous use, depending on the quality of the blade and material they’re used to cut.

How deep will a 24 concrete blade cut?

Cured Concrete/Asphalt Blades
Diameter Cutting Depth*
18″ (457mm) 7″
20″ (508mm) 8″
24″ (610mm) 10″

How long do concrete grinder blades last?

The answer can vary widely, unfortunately, so there is no simple number to use as a reference. Assuming the blade is compatible with the material you are cutting, and assuming you use good technique, the number of cutting hours you can squeeze out of the blade can range from 10 to over 100 hours.

How do I choose a diamond blade?

The Material Being Cut It is most important to correctly identify the material you are going to cut prior to choosing a Diamond Blade. This has a major effect on the cutting speed and life of the Diamond Blade. Most materials fall into four categories: Hard, Medium to Hard, Medium to Soft and Soft.

Will a diamond blade cut concrete?

Any handy homeowner looking to cut concrete needs one crucial tool: a diamond blade. While abrasive blades can cut concrete, they wear out quickly, potentially needing to be replaced multiple times in the course of one project.

Should you use water when cutting concrete?

You can use a dry-cutting blade with or without water, but a wet blade must always be used with water. Whenever you cut concrete, wear sight, hearing and respiratory protection, especially when dry-cutting.

What do you do with old saw blades?

At some point, your saw blades will need to be sharpened or thrown out. And yes, you can sharpen saw blades, either at home or by taking them to a professional. But you can also recycle them if you no longer want them. Since they are made of steel, any place that recycles metal should take them.

How deep can a 16 inch concrete saw cut?

Diamond Blade Cutting Depths

Maximum Blade Cutting Depths
12″ 3 5/8″
14″ 4 5/8″
16″ 5 5/8″
18″ 6 5/8″

How deep can you Sawcut concrete?

A good rule of thumb is to cut the joints one-quarter to one-third the slab thickness. For a 6-inch-thick slab, that means cutting 1 1/2 to 2 inches deep. Ensure that the saw cut depth meets the structural engineering specifications.

How long does a wet tile blade last?

In conclusion, there are many answers to the question “when to replace a tile saw blade”. If you are working with a low quality diamond blade, but you are cutting under an ideal circumstance, it can last around 12 hours.