How do I create a custom Share button on Facebook?

Head on over to Facebook and use their button configurator to get the code for a Like and Share Button, or a Share Button. Once you select the options for your custom button, hit the Get Code button and a new dialog box will appear with two different scripts.

How does Facebook share button work?

When someone hits the Facebook Share button, they can publish a post that they’re interested in on their own wall, without having to copy and paste a link onto their Facebook profile. The Share button is one of the three engagement options that Facebook gives users to allow them to connect with people online.

How do I create a share button?

How to Add a Facebook Share Button: To generate a Facebook Share Button, visit and specify the URL you want people to share as well as the width. Then generate the code, and paste it into your site where you want the button to appear.

What are the different types of sharing on Facebook?

Depending on the post’s privacy settings, you may see the following options:

  • Share Now.
  • Write Post. Post. To share to a friend’s timeline, tap Share to Facebook and select Friend’s Timeline. Type your friend’s name, then tap Post. audience selector.
  • Send as Message. Send.
  • Share in a Group. Post.
  • Share to a Page. Post.

What happened to the share option on Facebook?

Ok, so apparently FB has updated their privacy settings… For those of you seeing the “Share” option in your posts… That means that post is open to the public to see. If you have your profile settings set to “Friends”, then no one will be able to share your posts.

How do I enable share button on Facebook 2021?

How to allow people to share your post on Facebook on a mobile device

  1. Find the post you want to make shareable and tap the three dots in the upper right corner.
  2. In the pop-up menu, tap “Edit Privacy.”
  3. In the “Privacy” menu, tap the checkbox next to “Public,” then tap “Done” in the upper right corner of the screen.

How do I create a custom social share button for my website?

What is share custom on Facebook?

When you use the Custom audience option to share a post with a list or specific people, the people you share the post with may be able to see each other’s names. You can also use the Friends Except and Specific Friends audience options to include or exclude specific friends from your post.