What is a Chondroid lipoma?
What is a Chondroid lipoma?
Chondroid lipoma is a rare, benign, lipomatous soft tissue tumour that manifests as a painless lump. Tumours are located most frequently in the proximal extremity and limb girdle, then in decreasing frequency in the leg, trunk, head and neck region, foot, and hand.
Can a lipoma form after surgery?
Background: Soft tissue trauma and lipomas are common occurrences in surgical practice.
Can physical trauma cause lipoma?
Abstract. Background: Both trauma and lipomas are a common occurrence in surgical practice. Lipomas are usually benign adipose tumors with as-yet unexplained pathogenesis and etiology. A link between soft tissue trauma and the formation of lipomas has been described, with the latter being named posttraumatic lipomas.
Is lipoma fixed or mobile?
Although many lipomas require no treatment, surgical removal may be recommended for large or painful ones. Reproduced from Evers B, Klammer HL: Tumors and tumorlike lesions of the hand: Analysis of 424 surgically treated cases.
What is Osteolipoma?
Osteolipoma is a rare variant of lipoma consisting of mature adipose tissue and mature lamellar bone. The presence of non-fatty elements may lead to a wide differential diagnosis on radiology including benign and malignant lipomatous and nonlipomatous entities.
What is a spindle cell lipoma?
Summary: Spindle cell lipomas (SCL) are benign, slow growing tumors arising most frequently in the subcutaneous tissue of the upper back, posterior neck, and shoulders in males aged 40–70 years. Local excision is generally curative.
How long does lipoma Surgery take to heal?
What is the aftercare and recovery following a lipoma removal? For stitched wounds, the wound will take 10-14 days to heal. We ask you to be generally restful through this period by avoiding heavy exercise or anything strenuous. People can usually return to an office job the next day.
Do lipomas grow back?
Most lipomas don’t need treatment, but providers can remove them if necessary. Lipomas rarely grow back after lipoma treatment, but another one may grow in a different spot on your body.
How painful is lipoma surgery?
With local anesthesia, you may still feel pressure or pushing, but you should not feel any pain. If your lipoma is large or deep, you may be given general anesthesia. General anesthesia will keep you asleep and free from pain during surgery.