How do you treat lambs with scours?

One bottle of Rehydion Gel = 160 doses for a young lamb (2ml per dose). Dose each lamb 2 times a day until scour stops at approximately 0.5 – 1ml per kg. It is important to note that the animals will continue to scour until the gut is healed, so they may appear clinically well but still have loose faeces.

What causes lambs to scour?

What causes scour in young animals? Scour is mainly caused by viral (rotavirus, coronavirus), bacterial (E coli, salmonella) and protozoal (Cryptosporidium parvum, coccidia) pathogens, which affect both calves and lambs. Nutritional scour can also be seen.

What do you give a lamb with diarrhea?

Antibiotics are used for both treatment and prevention of E. coli scours in lambs. Spectinomycin oral pig scours medicine is commonly used, though it is not approved for sheep and goats. Ewes and does can be vaccinated with bovine E.

How do you treat diarrhea in sheep at home?

Some producers provide free choice baking soda to their sheep and goats as a preventative for digestive upsets. Mild, non-infectious causes of diarrhea (scours) are often treated with Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol. Yogurt is commonly given to animals with diarrhea. The probiotics in yogurt help to restore gut health.

What causes diarrhea in bottle fed lambs?

Feeding. Generally, lambs do not know when to stop drinking and drink too quickly, therefore consuming more than their stomachs can handle. This can cause bloat, scours (diarrhoea) or aspiration (inhaling liquid).

How do you stop pet lambs from scouring?

Cut the water down but use the same amount of powder. Also reduce the volume fed for two or three feeds by 50ml. This will frequently stop the scour, but make sure the lamb has fresh water available and watch for constipation, this can happen quite easily.

How much Pepto do I give a lamb?

1/4 cup
Treat the lamb with penicillin or Tylan 200 for 2 days. Give 1/4 cup of Pepto Bismol. If the lamb does not appear better in a couple of days, treat for acidosis or take him to your veterinarian.

Can you give sheep Gatorade?

Sheep and goats can be rehydrated with Gatorade or Pedialyte if commercial electrolytes are not available.

What can I give my baby lamb for diarrhea?


  1. Separate the sick sheep and goats from the healthy ones.
  2. If one or two are lying down, provide shade and fresh food and water.
  3. Try to give them activated charcoal and electrolyte solutions.
  4. Prevent blowfly strike by cleaning the back legs.

How do you stop diarrhea in sheep?

If one or two are lying down, provide shade and fresh food and water. Try to give them activated charcoal and electrolyte solutions. Prevent blowfly strike by cleaning the back legs. Find out exactly what is making your sheep and goats sick so that you can give the correct treatment.

What can I give my lamb for diarrhea?

How do you stop a sheep from having diarrhea?