What is an office mix give an example?

Office Mix also lets you record anything on your PC screen with the screen recording feature. For example, say you want to record a video of a graphing calculator app. Just click “screen recording,” and record the work you want to show in the app.

Is Office mix still available?

May 1, 2018: The Office Mix site and all its content will be officially discontinued. The site will no longer be accessible after this date. Any links to your Office Mix content that you previously shared with others will stop working after this date.

How do I enable Office Mix in PowerPoint?

How to turn your PowerPoint into a video with Office Mix

  1. Step 1: Download and install Mix. Step 1 to creating a Mix is to download it from https://mix.office.com/en-us/Home.
  2. Step 2: Create your presentation.
  3. Step 3: Record your presentation.
  4. Step 4: Save or Publish.

What is Mix tab in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint Mix. Office Mix is an add-in for PowerPoint. Mix allows you to easily create and share online videos. You will first have to download Mix at https://mix.office.com.

How do you record a PowerPoint slide?

Open the slide you want to start recording from. Near the upper right corner of the PowerPoint window, select Record. When you’re ready, select the round, red Record button, wait for the countdown, then start speaking. To record from a specific slide, go to it, and then select Record.

What is PowerPoint mix?

PowerPoint Mix is a new PowerPoint add-on by Microsoft. You use PowerPoint Mix for creating interactive online lessons. Teachers and trainers are widely using Mix. The basic process is simple: You create slides and can record audio and video.

What happened Office Mix?

Discontinuation. Beginning May 1, 2018, the Office Mix service was officially retired by Microsoft and became inaccessible to all customers after users were sent an e-mail notification issuing them several months to retrieve all of their content and mixes off of the platform prior to shutdown.

How do I download Microsoft Office Mix?

Head to the Office Mix site, as shown in Figure 1 below. Click the large Get Office Mix button as shown in Figure 1 above. If you are not signed into with your Microsoft Account, you will be prompted now to do so. Thereafter, the setup file will be downloaded.

How do I download Microsoft Office mix?

What are the various permission levels available for office mix?

Private, Organization, Limited, Unlisted, and public are the various permission levels available for office mix.