How does a 4-bit ring counter work?
How does a 4-bit ring counter work?
4 bit Ring Counter. The ring counter is a cascaded connection of flip flops, in which the output of last flip flop is connected to input of first flip flop. In ring counter if the output of any stage is 1, then its reminder is 0. The Ring counters transfers the same output throughout the circuit.
What is the maximum count for 4-bit Johnson counter?
The 4-bit johnson counter contains 4 D flip-flops and it counts 8 no. of cycles. The inverted output of the last flip-flop is fed back as input to the first flip-flop.
How many flip flops are required for an bit Johnson counter?
four D flip flops
Like Ring counter, four D flip flops are used in the 4-bit Johnson counter, and the same clock pulse is passed to all the input of the flip flops.
How many clock pulses are required to transfer the data in Johnson counter?
It is important to note that with this type of data register a clock pulse is not required to parallel load the register as it is already present, but four clock pulses are required to unload the data.
What is the difference between a ring counter and a Johnson counter?
The difference between a ring counter and a Johnson counter is which output of the last stage is fed back (Q or Q’). Carefully compare the feedback connection below to the previous ring counter. This “reversed” feedback connection has a profound effect upon the behavior of the otherwise similar circuits.
What is Johnson code?
The Johnson counter generates a code in which adjacent states differ by only one bit (that is, have a Hamming distance of 1), as in a Gray code, which can be useful if the bit pattern is going to be asynchronously sampled.
How many FFs are required for 4-bit up down counter?
4 FFs
In a 4-bit up-down counter, there are 4 J-K flip-flops required. For modulus-10 counter, N = 10. Therefore, 23 < = 10 < = 24. Thus, n = 4, and therefore, we require 4 FFs.
How many of states are there in a 4-bit counter?
16 states
Therefore, in a 4-bit counter, the total number of states = 24 = 16 states.
What is Johnson’s counter?
A Johnson counter is a modified ring counter in which the output from the last flip flop is inverted and fed back as an input to the first. It is also called as Inverse Feedback Counter or Twisted Ring Counter.
How many clock pulses are required to completely load serially a 4-bit shift register?
How many clock pulses will be required to completely load serially a 5-bit shift register? Explanation: A register is a collection of FFS. To load a bit, we require 1 clock pulse for 1 shift register. So, for 5-bit shift register we would require of 5 clock pulses.