How many kinds of musical instruments are there?

5 Tuneful Origins of Celebrated Musical Instruments – Did you know there are over 1,500 musical instruments? These musical instruments are broken down into six major categories. The musical instrument categories include bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family.

What are the types of instruments used?

The principal types of musical instruments are percussion, stringed, keyboard, wind, and electronic.

What are the uses of the different types of instruments in research?

Instruments allow programs to collect relevant data related to a research problem, designed for measuring their intended outcomes. Various types of instruments may include surveys, tests, questionnaires, achievement / aptitude tests, observation forms, tally sheets, etc…

What are the 7 classifications of musical instruments?


  • Contents.
  • Idiophones.
  • Membranophones.
  • Chordophones.
  • Aerophones.
  • Electrophones.
  • Show all 5 …

What are the instrument used for music?

Soprano instruments: flute, violin, soprano saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, oboe, piccolo. Alto instruments: alto saxophone, french horn, alto flute, english horn, alto clarinet, viola, alto horn. Tenor instruments: trombone, tenoroon, tenor saxophone, tenor violin, guitar, tenor drum.

What are five research instruments?

They include questionnaire, interviews, observations, focus group discussion and experiment. Each of the instruments shall be discussed in turn and also point out their merits and demerits.

How is instrumentation different from instrument?

As nouns the difference between instrumentation and instrument. is that instrumentation is the act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments; means; agency while instrument is a device used to produce music.