What is the minimum working clearance for overhead power lines?

TABLE A: Minimum Clearance Distances Based on Voltage

Voltage (kV) Minimum clearance distance (feet)
Up to 50 kV 10 ft
>50 to 200 kV 15 ft
>200 to 350 kV 20 ft
>350 to 500 kV 25 ft*

How many feet of clearance from an overhead electrical line is required from windows that do not open?

3 feet
Overhead service conductors must maintain a clearance of 3 feet from doors, porches, balconies, ladders, stairs, fire escapes, windows that open, or similar locations [230.9]. However, you don’t have to maintain the 3-foot distance for conductors that run above a window.

How close can you build next to power lines?

Where the vertical distance above ground of conductors of 7,500 volts or less is in excess of 35 feet, this horizontal clearance from buildings shall be permitted to be less than 6 feet, but shall be not less than 4 feet.

What is OSHA’s minimum clearance distance for overhead power lines?

Under the table, for insulated lines of less than 300 volts, the minimum clearance distance is 3 feet; for uninsulated lines, it is 10 feet.

What is overhead clearance?

overhead clearance. Definition English: The vertical distance between the route surface and any obstruction above it.

What is the minimum clearance of HV lines from ground across streets?

6.1 meters
Detailed Solution. (4) For extra-high voltage lines, the clearance above ground shall not be less than 5.2 meters plus 0.3 metres for every 33,000 volts or part thereof by which the voltage of the line exceeds 33,000 volts: Provided that the minimum clearance along or across any street shall not be less than 6.1 meters …

What is the minimum clearance from ground permitted for the point of attachment of the overhead service conductors to a building or structure?

The minimum clearance for the service drop conductors to any building or other structure is: A. 10.5 feet above finished grade, sidewalks, platforms, decks, or building projections, from which the conductors might be reached (areas subject to pedestrian traffic).

What is the minimum required clearance distance from a power line with a voltage of 100 kV?

1. Work at a safe distance. This is the most important rule: Work at a safe distance from all power lines. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that equipment be kept at least 10 feet away from power lines with voltages up to 50kV.

What is the clearance for power lines over a street?

Overhead power lines are subject to strict guidelines for height clearances over streets, sidewalks, alleys, driveways, and other traffic areas. The National Electrical Code (NEC) mandates acceptable clearances for power lines to keep the public safe and prevent contact with electrical current.

What is the minimum clearance for electrical wires over water features?

Electrical wires over water features have unique requirements: For electrical wires over a pool or hot tub: a minimum vertical clearance of 22 1/2 feet measured to surface of water or the base of the diving board For electrical wires over a pond or lake: a minimum vertical clearance of 17 feet

What is the minimum clearance for a telephone line?

Rules for vertical clearances for telephone, cable TV, internet, and other data lines varies considerably from community to community, but the NESC sets forth these guidelines: For data wires over pedestrian traffic: a minimum vertical clearance of 9 1/2 feet

How much clearance is needed around an electrical panel?

This set of code identifies how much clearance is needed around any type of electrical panel based on a number of different factors. One of the main things that the NEC 110.26 specifies is that all electrical panelsmust have enough room around them that someone working on the equipment will have the room to safely access everything they need.