What is the life expectancy of a fire sprinkler system?

While dry systems last only 10-15 years before failing, and wet systems last only 15-25 years, the life expectancy of a system with nitrogen can last nearly 4-5 times as long.

What are the parts of a fire sprinkler system?

Breadcrumb. An automatic fire sprinkler system typically comprises a series of individual components including; Pipe, Stop Valve, Alarm Valve, Fire Sprinkler (head), Alarm Test Valve and Motorised Alarm Bell (Gong).

What causes sprinkler systems to fail?

Five percent of sprinkler system failures are caused by an improper design of the system, wrong type of agent or the wrong type of system for the agent. One of the most critical decisions in designing a sprinkler system is determining the occupancy classification or commodity type.

Can I replace a fire sprinkler head?

If a fire sprinkler head is damaged, malfunctions or has been activated because of a fire, it needs replacing as soon as possible so you do not leave your building unprotected.

What happens if you break a fire sprinkler?

Sprinklers are a preferred fire protection method in most residential and commercial buildings, reducing fire damage by an average of 60 percent compared to buildings without this protection measure in place. However, if a sprinkler head breaks or is accidentally bumped, significant water damage may occur.

How often do you need to replace fire sprinkler heads?

Annual inspections help ensure the system is working correctly, and no rust or water back-up has occurred. Even with regular maintenance, sprinkler heads do not last forever. Fire safety protocol recommends you get sprinkler heads replaced once every five years to prevent fire sprinkler leaks.

Which valve is used in sprinkler system?

Control Valves—What Are They? Control valves control the flow of water in an automatic fire sprinkler system. Therefore, it is critical they remain open to allow water flow to the sprinklers. According to the NFPA, closed valves are the main cause of sprinkler system failure.

How often should the sprinkler system and pressure gauges be checked?

EVERY WEEK: You should check the gauges in the dry, pre-action, and deluge systems. EVERY MONTH: You should check the gauges in the wet pipe systems. EVERY THREE MONTHS: Inspect the water flow alarm devices, the supervisory signal devices, the hydraulic nameplates, and valves.

Can fire sprinklers go off accidentally?

A fire sprinkler, as this recent viral video shows, is an effective fire safety tool—but it can be unintentionally discharged when it is accidentally set off by friendly fire or a fire sprinkler head is struck or sheared off by a person or equipment.

When should fire sprinkler heads be replaced?

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requires that fire sprinkler heads be inspected annually by a professional, and they recommend you carry out quarterly inspections yourself. Sprinkler heads need to be replaced if they are found to be damaged, leaking, or defective in any way during routine testing.