How do I reset my magnum alert system?
How do I reset my magnum alert system?
Hold 9 to reset. System battery takes up to 72 hours to fully recharge after power outage. 3 FLASHING WITH ALL LIGHTS LIGHT UP: Failure to communicate. Hold 9 to reset.
How do I silence my magnum alert keypad?
On the Magnum Alert keypads, holding down the #9 key for a few seconds will stop the beeping.
What does P mean on alarm system?
The letter “P” in the window upon power up indicates the control panel is attempting to power up into the Armed state, but is unable to do so (likely due to open zones or a system trouble). Enter your Arm / Disarm code on the next power up attempt, and the system will disarm.
How do I reset my Napco keypad?
Trouble Display on keypad: Press reset to clear trouble. If this does not work, enter your code and press the function key until the reset menu comes up. Press the ON/OFF key. When “reset system trouble” appears, press ON/OFF again, and then press the RESET key until screen is normal.
How do you disarm a Napco alarm system?
To disarm all areas simultaneously, press 0, G and enter your code followed by J. TROUBLEā, where X indicates the number of the Area in trouble. All faulted zones in the respective area(s) must be secured or bypassed. Note: If a system trouble is indicated, the system cannot be armed using this method.
How do I turn off my Napco Alarm?
1 Enter your premises through the Entry/Exit door. The keypad will sound a steady tone to remind you to disarm the system before your Entry Delay time expires. 2 Enter your User Code and press B. The red ARMED light will go out, indicating that the system has been disarmed.
What does P1 mean on my alarm system?
The P1 stands for partition 1. Even if your system is not partitioned, that feature is there and the keypad will always display this since there is only one partition or system.
How do you reset a Napco smoke detector?
Press the C button to silence the keypad sounder. alarm. be on. After the alarm condition is corrected (thermostat cooled down; smoke cleared from detector; etc.), pressing C again will reset the keypad within about 10 seconds.