What is the meaning of opportunistically?

Definition of opportunistic : taking advantage of opportunities as they arise: such as. a : exploiting opportunities with little regard to principle (see principle sense 1) or consequences a politician considered opportunistic an opportunistic investment.

What is another word for disaggregation?

separate, allocate, divide, break, categorize, reclassify, identify, vent.

What is the synonym of mismatched?

Mismatched synonyms and antonyms In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for mismatched, like: matched, incompatible, discordant, inconsistent, incongruous, unsuitable and uneven.

What is an opportunistic person called?

an opportunist who profits from the misfortunes of others. carpetbagger. an outsider who seeks power or success presumptuously. hustler, operator, wheeler dealer. a shrewd or unscrupulous person who knows how to circumvent difficulties.

How do you deal with opportunists?

Secrets to Dealing with an Opportunist Teammate at Work

  1. Understand what’s going on.
  2. Talk in private.
  3. Don’t feel obliged to say yes all the time.
  4. Stay in the loop.
  5. Escalate the problem.

Is idealistically a word?

Meaning of idealistically in English in a way that shows a belief that very good things can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely to other people: Idealistically, our hope was to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. I idealistically believed in the power of education to bring about change.

What means disaggregation?

Disaggregation is the breakdown of observations, usually within a common branch of a hierarchy, to a more detailed level to that at which detailed observations are taken.

What is the opposite of disaggregated?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for disaggregate. assemble, construct.

Is it mixed matched or mismatched?

Mismatch is also a verb that means “match up badly,” like when you mismatch your red shirt with your purple pants. Sometimes sports matches or games are called mismatches too, when one team is clearly superior to the other.

What is another word for does not match?


  • discrepancy.
  • imbalance.
  • disproportion.
  • dissimilarity.
  • divergence.
  • divergency.
  • diverseness.
  • incongruity.

What is a positive word for opportunistic?

Sports commentators who call the skillful interceptor of a pass in football an “opportunist” are misusing the word. If you want to praise people for taking legitimate and skilled advantage of opportunities that spring up, it is better to call them “enterprising” or “quick-witted.”

What is opportunistic behavior?

Opportunistic behavior is an act or behavior of partnership motivated by the maximization of economic self-interest and occasioned loss of the other partners. Learn more in: Value Creation through Social Alliances: Theoretical Considerations in Partnership Relationships. 2.

What is wrong with being an opportunist?

This moral judgement is the point of debate between the ‘opportunist’ and the person using the label. The one thing wrong in being an opportunist is that you survive. And the more you survive, the more you have to fight. And the shackles from everyday give you wrinkles.

What are some examples of typical opportunists?

are not an organic,sincere or authentic expression of the real nature of the people who contrived them.

  • do not really express what people’s lives are about,but are in some way an “artificial add-on”.
  • lack any deeper principled foundation,and are more an “eclectic,self-serving concoction”
  • How do you deal with opportunist people?

    How do I become an opportunist? How do you deal with opportunist people? A more satisfactory solution would be to make yourself look like a nonthreatening competitor or, better still, a nonthreatening coworker who has few hopes of competing. This will help divert opportunists away from you and give you the opportunity to ensure this person does

    What are the antonyms for opportunist?

    Antonyms for (adj) opportunistic. Main entry: timeserving, opportunist, opportunistic. Definition: taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit. Antonyms: inexpedient. Definition: not suitable or advisable.
