What is collective bargaining and its types?

Collective bargaining is the process where a group of employees ‘collectively’ negotiate with the employer. This is generally to negotiate pay, working conditions, benefits, and other factors regarding the employees compensation package and rights.

What are the three models of collective bargaining?

What are the three models of collective bargaining? There are various different models of collective bargaining, including the monopoly union model, the right to manage model and the efficient bargaining model.

What is objective of collective bargaining?

The basic objective of collective bargaining is to arrive at an agreement between the management and the employees determining mutually beneficial terms and conditions of employment.

What are the main features of collective bargaining?

Means of Collective Bargaining: Generally, there are four important methods of collective bargaining, namely, negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration for the settlement of trade disputes.

What is collective bargaining in industrial relations PDF?

Collective bargaining involves a process of joint decision making that helps to build trust and mutual respect between the parties and enhance the quality of labour relations. International labour standards: Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981. (No. 154)

What are features of collective bargaining?

What are the main objectives of collective bargaining?

The basic objective of collective bargaining is to arrive at an agreement between the management and the employees determining mutually beneficial terms and conditions of employment. 2. To protect the interests of both the employer and the employees.

What is collective bargaining in industrial relations?

Answer: Collective bargaining is a voluntary process used to determine terms and conditions of work and regulate relations between employers, workers and their organizations, leading to the conclusion of a collective agreement.