What is consultation process in the workplace?
What is consultation process in the workplace?
Consultation is a two-way process between you and your workers where you: – talk to each other about health and safety matters – listen to their concerns and raise your concerns – seek and share views and information, and – consider what your workers say before you make decisions. WHS Act section 48.
What does the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 NSW say about WHS consultation?
The WHS Act requires a PCBU to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with all other persons who have a work health or safety duty in relation to the same matter, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Why is consultation in the workplace important and how did it help you to further clarify your ideas?
Consultation is a legal requirement and an essential part of managing health and safety risks. A safe workplace is more easily achieved when everyone involved in the work communicates with each other to identify hazards and risks, talks about any health and safety concerns and works together to find solutions.
What are Australian codes of practice?
A code of practice is a practical guide on how to comply with the legal duties under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act and Regulations. The WHS Act provides for the approval, variation and revocation of codes of practice by the relevant Minister.
What are the two types of health and safety consultations?
Types of consultation Some workplaces have regular meetings of all staff, sometimes called ‘toolbox talks’, others establish health and safety committees (HSCs) or elect health and safety representatives (HSRs) to consult and represent safety concerns to management.
Is WHS consultation a legal requirement?
There are requirements to consult with other employers or businesses when you share concurrent WHS duties with another. You must consult, cooperate and coordinate with each other and any workers of the business (or other PCBU) whose health and safety is likely to be effected.
What are the employers responsibilities regarding WHS consultation processes?
Providing necessary health and safety instruction, supervision & training. Ensuring all staff understands their roles and responsibilities. Providing necessary protective gear and equipment. Consulting with staff regarding decisions that impact workplace safety.
Is consultation a legal requirement?
Consultation involves you not only giving information to your employees but also listening to them and taking account of what they say before making any health and safety decisions. The law does not state when you must consult, or for how long, but does say it must be ‘in good time’.
What are the legal obligations of an employer in relation to consultation?
Employers are required to consult their workers about health and safety. Employers are required to share information with anyone likely to be directly affected by a work health and safety matter. They also need to take workers’, and any other people affected, views into account.
What is a code of practice in health and safety?
Approved codes of practice are detailed guidance documents approved by the HSE and published to accompany a set of health and safety regulations. They are documents that help you to comply with your legal requirements.