What is the theme song to Tour of Duty?

Paint It Black
The series is notable for utilizing “Paint It Black” by the Rolling Stones as its opening theme, as the song is largely considered to be one of the most iconic songs of the Vietnam war era and an “anthem” for the war itself.

Why was Tour of Duty Cancelled?

The show was canceled at the end of this season due to falling ratings.

What is the definition of Tour of Duty?

a period of time that someone, especially a soldier or an official, spends working in a foreign country: The soldiers have just completed a six-month tour in the Philippines. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Military training & ceremonies.

What show had Paint It Black as the theme song?

In the late 1980s, the song ‘Paint It Black’ by the Rolling Stones became associated with the American Vietnam War. This was due to the fact that it was used in films and TV shows. It was used in the 1987 film “Full Metal Jacket”, and it clearly became recognized as the theme song for the CBS-TV show, “Tour of Duty”.

Was Angela Bassett in Tour of Duty?

Notable guest stars included Angela Bassett, Ving Rhames, and David Allan Grier.

Why is it called a tour of duty?

A soldier’s tour of duty is a period of time when the soldier is involved in a particular duty or stationed in a particular place such as a war zone.

How does tour of duty work?

Tour of Duty (TOD) is a system for advertising AD opportunities where RC Soldiers can look for available tours that match their skills and desire to serve. Soldiers can volunteer for consideration for the tours and the hiring commands can screen and recommend interested candidates as part of the TOD process.

How rich is Angela Bassett?

Angela Bassett is an American actress who has a net worth of $25 million.

Is Angela Bassett black?

Angela Bassett is a well known African American actress and director. She was born in New York in August 1958 to Betty Jane and Daniel Benjamin Bassett.

What was the life expectancy of a tunnel rat in Vietnam?

three seconds
The life expectancy of a “tunnel rat” in Vietnam was three seconds. With such a statistic it is amazing Richard Blair survived 18 months scurrying through enemy tunnels, but today at the age of 75 he struggles with memories and health issues from his service.