How long does a UIF stay on file?

Normally, Commanders keep the UIF for one year when an LOR is the only document contained in the UIF. Commanders keep the UIF for two years when it contains an Article 15. The commander can dispose of the UIF early if clearly warranted.

Which is worse LOC or Lor?

An LOC is less severe than both and LOA and an LOR. An LOC is also known as a Record of Individual Counseling when it is put on an official AF IMT 174.

What is a UIF code?

UIF CODES. The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) has allowed for existing Employment Status Codes, 10, 14 and 17, to be used when submitting the monthly UIF declaration for employees whose employment has been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do you write MFR?

The Memo For Record can be typed or hand-written on plain bond paper or squadron letterhead. Use 1-inch margins all around and number the paragraphs if there is more than one. If there’s only one paragraph, as is often the case, don’t number the paragraph.

How do you use bluf?

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF). (Yes, being the military, there is an acronym for everything.) It declares the purpose of the email and action required. The BLUF should quickly answer the five W’s: who, what, where, when, and why.

What is Chief Bass AFSC?

Chief Bass is the 19th chief master sergeant appointed to the highest noncommissioned officer position. Chief Bass was raised as an Army dependent, living in several overseas and stateside locations, prior to entering the Air Force in 1993.

How long should a military bio be?

The length of your bio may vary so you will need to determine what is required in your biography before working on it. This way, you’ll be able to highlight the most important facts about your army history even if you are only asked to write around 300 to 400 words.

What is Per AFI 36-704?

Per AFI 36-704, all employees (including supervisors) must cooperate and/or testify in an inquiry, investigation, or other official proceeding. 1.19.5. Accepts and dismisses complaints in total or in part as is warranted under the provisions of 29 C.F.R. Section 1614.107.

What is the EO code for AFI 36-2706?

AFI36-2706 5 OCTOBER 2010 67 3.35.2. The EO office will document these complaints on AF Form 1587, code the case ―FC‖ and complete the form, to include complainant’s name and demographics. Note: Signature of the complainant is not required. 3.35.3.

Where does the EO Office file the AF Form 1271?

The EO office will file the completed AF Form 1271 in the unit continuity folder. The EO office should not conduct an out and about assessment to the same unit/location within a 6-month period unless requested by unit leadership.

What is afi36-2706?

28 AFI36-2706 5 OCTOBER 2010 1.23.10. For complaints filed by military members, provides the EO office with a written memorandum or email regarding substantiated or unsubstantiated unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment complaints handled within the unit, including CDIs.