What does the parable of the sower and the seed teach?

It is a growth parable. A man went out to sow grain. The man represents God and the seed is His message. Just as a planted seed starts to grow, the word of God starts to deepen and grow within a person.

What is the moral lesson of the parable of the sower for kids?

From this parable about the sower, we learn that Jesus wants us to stick to God’s Word and grow. Will you choose to do that? Pass out the Choose a Challenge activity page and pencils to each kid. SAY: Decide how you will put Jesus’ teachings into practice, how you will stick to God’s Word and grow.

What do you learn from the Sower explain in four lines?

1 Answer. The poem The Sower is about hard work, consistency, hopeful and courage. We learn that we should keep working even when others don’t because successful people become successful because of their habits, hope and courage. Those who remain lazy, or lack hope and courageous can never succeed in life.

What happened to the seeds in the parable of the sower?

And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and immediately it sprang up, since it had no depth of soil. And when the sun rose, it was scorched, and since it had no root, it withered away.

What does seed mean in the Bible?

The word ‘seed’ is also very much associated with the creation of new life within a family. ‘ The seed of Abraham’ refers to all his descendants. ( See also Big ideas: Creation, creativity, image of God)

What is the message of the sower poem?

Te message of the poem is everyone of us must have strong determination and have a firm belief in themselves in spite of what comes their way. The poem motivates people to stick to their goals and be resolute, dedicated, and persistent until they achieve their goals.