What does bursted mean?

to break or cause to break open or apart suddenly and noisily, esp from internal pressure; explode. (intr) to come, go, etc, suddenly and forciblyhe burst into the room. (intr) to be full to the point of breaking open. (intr) to give vent (to) suddenly or loudlyto burst into song.

What is the synonym of burst?

break, erupt, surge, gush, rush, stream, flow, pour, cascade, spill. sweep, spout, spurt, jet, spew, discharge, roll, whirl. 4’he burst into the room without knocking’ plunge, charge, barge, shove, plough, lurch, hurtle, career, rush, dash, tear.

What is the meaning of Burts?

1 : to break open, apart, or into pieces usually from impact or from pressure from within the balloon burst the pipes burst. 2a : to give way from an excess of emotion my heart will burst. b : to give vent suddenly to a repressed emotion burst into tears burst out laughing.

Is it correct to say bursted?

Note: The use of the word “bursted” for the past tense is a common error, but it is not a valid word. As a rule, always use the past tense of the word “burst.” Despite the fact that bursted is not an English word, some writers mistakenly use bursted as past tense or past participle for burst.

What is Burist?

How do u spell Burt?

Correct pronunciation for the word “burt” is [bˈɜːt], [bˈɜːt], [b_ˈɜː_t].

What is awake in past tense?

The verbs awake and awaken both mean “to rise from sleep.” The most common inflections of awake are the past tense awoke (‘she awoke suddenly’) and the past participle awoken (‘she was awoken suddenly’).

What is burst past tense?

Word forms: bursts, burstinglanguage note: The form burst is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out. The driver lost control when a tire burst.

What is another word for rise up?

Alternate Synonyms for “rise up”: surface; come up; rise; ascend; go up. rebel; arise; protest; resist; dissent. rear; straighten.

What is the synonym of influx?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for influx, like: increase, invasion, flow, inflow, inpouring, introduction, inrush, infiltration, penetration, entrance and arrival.