What is ethnic conflict?

Ethnic conflict arises if ethnic groups compete for the same goal—notably power, access to resources, or territory. The interests of a society’s elite class play an important role in mobilizing ethnic groups to engage in ethnic conflicts. Ethnic conflict is thus similar to other political interest conflicts.

What is ethnicity discuss the problem of ethnicity in India?

The phenomenon of ethnicity has intrinsic component of the socio-political realities of multi-ethnic or plural –cultural societies like in India. In India with its variety of pluralities in terms of language, race, religion and so on ethnic conflict has become a part of the political scenario.

What is the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

Origin and evolution. The origins of the Sri Lankan Civil War lie in the continuous political rancor between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils. The roots of the modern conflict extend back to the colonial era when the country was known as Ceylon.

What do you know about ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

The LTTE gained notoriety for carrying out numerous attacks against civilians of all ethnicities, particularly those of Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslim ethnicity, using child soldiers, assassinations of politicians and human rights activists, and the use of suicide bombings primarily against military targets.

What is an example of an ethnic conflict in India?

The Assam problem is primarily ethnic, the Punjab problem is based on both religious and regional conflicts, while the Hindu-Muslim problem is predominantly religious. Of the three conflicts mentioned, Assam has attracted the largest attention of late.

What is inter ethnic conflict?

Abstract. Ethnic, or interethnic, conflict refers to disputes between contending groups who identify themselves primarily on the basis of ethnic criteria and who make group claims to resources on the basis of their collective rights.

What was the result of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

Answer: The results of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka where are as follows: a) The distance between the Sinhala and Tamil led to widespread conflict and soon turn into a civil war. b) Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees. Many people lost their livelihood.

Whose role in the ethnic conflict of Sri Lanka is prominent?

The origins of the Sri Lankan Civil War lie in the continuous political rancor between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils. The roots of the modern conflict extend back to the colonial era when the country was known as Ceylon.