How do you use the word contemptuously?
How do you use the word contemptuously?
Contemptuously Sentence Examples She laughed contemptuously and said she was not a fool to want to have children, and that she was not going to have any children by me. Dolokhov smiled contemptuously and condescendingly when Anatole had gone out. Luther contemptuously dismissed him as a “devil’s mouth.”
How do you use numbly in a sentence?
Numbly sentence example Deidre trailed him numbly from the landing into the fortress. She stared at him numbly . Cassie stared at the ground numbly . She pondered the idea numbly until it was replaced with the vision from her dream, the one where Taran killed her.
What is the meaning of word contemptuously?
Definition of contemptuous : manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval : feeling or showing contempt.
What is the meaning of numbly?
/ˈnʌ in a way that shows no emotion because someone is very shocked, sad, frightened, etc.: People numbly held photos of lost loved ones toward the camera. He stared numbly out to open sea.
What does contemptuously mean in the outsiders?
contemptuously = disrespectfully. I hated them as bitterly and as contemptuously as Dally Winston hated. p. 115.0.
What is a synonym for numbly?
adverb. in a numb manner; without feeling. “I stared at him numbly” synonyms: insensibly.
Where is contemptuously in the outsiders?
In the novel, Hinton uses contemptuousLY, the adverb form of the word. “Oh, shoot, kid’ — Dally glanced contemptuously over his shoulder — ‘I was in the bedroom'” (Hinton 59). “Yet in his hard face there was character, pride, and a savage defiance of the world” (Hinton 59).
What page is the word contemptuously on in the outsiders?
Contemptuously (contempt) (p. 54 or 59)definition: Sentence in book: “Oh shoot kid—Dally glanced contemptuously…..” New sentence: 11.
What is the opposite of numbing?
Opposite of desensitized or numb to any feeling, sensation or emotion. sensitive. responsive. susceptible.
What is the synonym of contemptuously?
Synonyms & Near Synonyms for contemptuously. deprecatingly, disdainfully, scornfully. bitchily, cattily, despitefully, hatefully, malevolently,
What is meaningful use?
In other words, “meaningful use” sets the specific objectives that eligible professionals and hospitals must achieve to participate in the EHR Incentive Programs. Stages of Meaningful Use The meaningful use objectives will evolve in three stages: Stage 1 (2011-2012): Data capture and sharing
What was the contemptuous answer to the man’s stare?
This was the contemptuous answer: ‘Tell her, that her request will be taken into consideration to-morrow.’ The man returned his stare, looking him up and down in a manner meant to be contemptuous. He was good-humoured towards them, but contemptuous.
What was the only reply to Cyril’s contemptuous glance?
A contemptuous grunt was the only reply. Her voice died away before Cyril’s contemptuous glance. Willum’s eyes followed his master’s pointing thumb with contemptuous interest. Mrs. Mar repeated with a weight of contemptuous meaning.