What are the 4 core values of the Paralympic?

It exists by exploring the nascent normative framework that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has begun to construct around its constituent sports. The IPC sets out four values: Courage, Determination, Inspiration and Equality.

Who is the best Paralympic athlete?

1. Trischa Zorn. With her 46 individual Paralympic medals including 32 gold, 9 silver and 5 bronze, Trischa Zorn can be considered the most successful Paralympic athlete to date. This American Paralympic Swimmer is blind since birth.

What are the 3 Paralympic values?

The three Olympic values are friendship, respect, and excellence while four Paralympic values are determination, inspiration, courage and equality.

What are sports quotes?

100 Inspiring Sports Quotes

  • A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.
  • An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets.
  • Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.
  • Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second.

What is the Paralympic motto?

“Spirit in Motion
The symbol also reflects the Paralympic Motto, “Spirit in Motion,” representing the strong will of every Paralympian. The Paralympic Symbol also emphasises the fact that Paralympic athletes are constantly inspiring and exciting the world with their performances: always moving forward and never giving up.

What can we learn from Paralympic athletes?

Feeling too stressed or anxious can hinder concentration, confidence and the physical execution of skills. It takes a lot of self-composure to deliver your best performance when it matters the most. Managing emotions in sports can be taught.

What do you mean by para athlete?

Definition of Paralympics : a series of international contests for athletes with disabilities that are associated with and held following the summer and winter Olympic Games.

What are some inspirational quotes from Paralympians?

9 inspirational quotes from Paralympians to make you appreciate life. 1) ‘Life need not have limits’. ‘When you fail, you learn a lot about yourself and come back stronger. Life need not have limits. Having an 2) ‘If you’re not having fun, then what the hell are you doing?’. 3) ‘You only live

What are some famous quotes from athletes?

Athlete Quotes. 1. “Everybody’s got plans… until they get hit.”. – Mike Tyson. 2. “Life is gonna throw you curve balls and it’s how you deal with them and your attitude and your work ethic.”. – Kerri Strug. 3. “Believe me, the reward is not so great without the struggle.”.

What are some quotes that describe a hockey player?

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” – Wayne Gretzky 27. “I’ve had to learn to fight all my life – got to learn to keep smiling. If you smile things will work out.” – Serena Williams 28. “Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing.

Who are the most successful British athletes in Paralympics history?

Team GB’s flag bearer for the opening ceremony of the Rio Paralympic Games 2016, dressage star Lee Pearson is one of the most successful athletes in British history. He’s competed at every Paralympics since Sydney 2000 and has won 12 medals, of which ten have been gold.