Is bullet train successful in India Quora?

Overall, it’s a very good deal. Kawasaki Heavy Industries is opening Shinkansen E5 bullet train manufacturing unit in India, to be operational from 2024, which will reduce import cost by 50% is added benefit for new routes.

Is it possible to successfully launch bullet train in India?

Later in December 2021, the new railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said in an interview that people can start boarding the bullet train by the year 2026, even if the project is delayed in the future, it won’t be for more than a year and could see the light of the day by 2027.

Is bullet train necessary in India Quora?

—No, India does not need a bullet train (right now).

What happened to bullet train in India Quora?

Bullet train will arrive late! New govt wants to shelve the project. NCP & Congress influenced the new govt to waive off the farmers loan so that these political parties can usurp the money that was made available for Bullet train by Japan govt.

What is current status of bullet train in India?

At present, 13 packages have been awarded, 3 are under evaluation and Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) has been invited for 2 packages. Out of the total 352 Km length of project located in Gujarat and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Civil works in 352 Km length have started in different phases from December, 2020 onwards.

What are the benefits of bullet train?

Bullet trains fuel real-estate booms, improve quality of life, reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, and provide a “safety valve” for crowded cities, especially in the developing world, according to a study by Chinese and U.S. economists.

Is bullet train affordable?

While operational costs can be fairly variable, a ballpark figure would be around Rs1,200-Rs1,500 per passenger per trip. Thus the breakeven cost per ticket even after isolating the yen loan will be around Rs2,300-Rs2,600. This ties in well with the initially rumoured fare of Rs2,800.

Is India really need bullet train?

With advent of bullet trains the stress on the railways would be reduced. Employment: The bullet train project is expected to create 4,000 direct job opportunities, along with 20,000 indirect jobs. 20,000 construction workers will also be employed during the set up period of Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train.

Why are Japanese trains so good?

Japan’s raiways are known for their safety and reliability and the Shinkansen is well known for his punctuality. The average delay of trains is less than one minutes every year. The Shinkansen runs along dedicated lines, which allows to have only one technology and identical missions.

Are bullet trains a good idea for India?

Bullet trains have never been late in 50 years during its service in Japan and that is likely to be the same here. Accidents: Indian Railways do no good in terms of accidents either. Again the bullet trains have a track record of zero casualties in 50 years. Speed: The fastest train in India Gatimaan Express runs at 160 kmph for barely few minutes.

What are the features of bullet train?

Again the bullet trains have a track record of zero casualties in 50 years. Speed: The fastest train in India Gatimaan Express runs at 160 kmph for barely few minutes. Bullet train will see a leapfrog jump to 350 kmph top speed and average speed will be more than 200 kmph (depending on number of stops)

Is there a bullet train from Bangalore to Mumbai?

A bullet train from Bangalore-Pune-Mumbai would have made sense. **Most IT companies have there precense in bangalore and pune. Why was ahmedabad chosen?

Why is India buying the Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train from Japan?

I have written several times that it is a mistake for India to get the proposed Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train. I don’t see any economic or technological justification for it. In particular India is buying the bullet train from Japan for several reasons. First, Japan is quite keen to sell it. They don’t want India to buy it from China.