Why did Leonard wear the itchy sweater?
Why did Leonard wear the itchy sweater?
Title Reference: Sheldon describes to Leonard how an urge/itch or obsession gets caught in his brain, so he makes Leonard wear an itchy sweater to make him feel what that itch is like. It is also a punishment for a previous indiscretion.
What did Amy tells Sheldon about Raiders of the Lost Ark?
Extended Plot. Shamy watching “Raiders of the Lost Ark” After watching “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, Sheldon asks Amy what she thought and she replied that it was “good” which offends Sheldon since it is one of his favorite movies.
Does Sheldon thank his dad?
In “Young Sheldon”, Sheldon tells his father that he’d thank him while accepting his Nobel Prize. He does exactly this while thanking the rest of their family.
In which episode Sheldon gets drunk?
“The Pants Alternative” is the eighteenth episode of the third season of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory. This episode first aired on Monday, March 22, 2010.
What movie did Amy ruin for Sheldon?
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Sheldon Cooper: Amy ruined ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ for me.
Is Indiana Jones irrelevant to Raiders of the Lost Ark?
She explains that Indiana Jones is absolutely irrelevant to the story. If he’d never gotten involved, the Nazis would have still found the ark of the covenant, they would have still brought it to that island, and they would have still had their faces melted.
Is Super asymmetry a real thing?
There is no experimental evidence that either supersymmetry or misaligned supersymmetry holds in our universe, and many physicists have moved on from supersymmetry and string theory entirely due to the non-detection of supersymmetry at the LHC.
When did Penny marry Zack?
In “The Thanksgiving Decoupling” (S07E09), Penny mentions the fake wedding ceremony she and Zack went through on a Thanksgiving trip to Las Vegas three years ago. Leonard, Sheldon and Amy explain that those wedding chapels are real and that Penny is legally married to Zack, who also thought the ceremonies were fake.
How long was Penny married to Zack?
Raj is going to baste his ass off. Keep focused. Amy then announces that Penny married Zack three years ago. Raj and Bernadette turn around shocked with Bernadette having a marshmallow in her mouth.
How does Indiana Jones know not to look?
Indy knew not to look in the Ark, because he had a religious upbringing as hinted in The Last Crusade. His dad made him memorize and recite passages from the Bible as shown in the “Young Indy” segment. Indy also asked OSS agents if they’d ever been to Sunday school when they didn’t seem to know what The Ark was.
What is the Thanksgiving decoupling about?
He’s got you there, Penny…”The Thanksgiving Decoupling” was hardly a perfect episode…but once things got moving, the episode proved very entertaining. [1] Title Reference: The episode occurs at Thanksgiving and Penny ends her previously unknown marriage to Zack Johnson. Taping date: November 5, 2013. Chuck Lorre ‘s vanity card. [3]
What episode of the Big Bang theory is the Thanksgiving decoupling?
The Discovery Dissipation “The Thanksgiving Decoupling” is the ninth episode of the seventh season of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory. The episode first aired on Thursday, November 21, 2013.
Why did Penny and Zack sign the papers on Thanksgiving?
That was fine with Zack, since he was doing anything and since he was married to Penny, Thanksgiving is a time for family. Penny just wants to get it over with. After they sign, the paperwork will be filed with the court on Monday.