How do you get the Datacron on Dromund Kaas?

The datacron is located around -187,1738 and you will see the datacron up on a ledge above a waterfall. Go east of the waterfall and you’ll find a path that cuts behind the mountain located at -30,1700. Follow this path and it will take you right behind the datacron on top of the waterfall.

Where are the Datacrons on Taris?

At the end of the ledges, look down to see a walkway jutting out of a pillar, Jump down to it. Follow the beams and broken platforms around as they head back northward. There are several small openings to jump over, look out for these. The datacron is on the north side of the final vertical beam’s ledges.

How do you get the Datacron on Voss?

Datacron is located inside the Heroic area “The Boneyard” in “The Nightmare Lands”. You need to loot a Fallen Trooper to get the Shield codes and than use a nearby panel to deactivate the Shield. Behind it is an elevator that takes you straight to the datacron.

What happened Dromund Kaas?

In the Dromund Kaas operation, the Republic and the Jedi sent a fleet to attack Dromund Kaas while a Jedi landed on the planet and confronted the Emperor in the Dark Temple. The Jedi killed the Emperor’s Voice, forcing the Emperor into a state of hibernation while the galaxy believed him to be dead.

Where is the first on Dromund Kaas Swtor?

the Malignant Bog Heroic area
The First (World Boss, Dromund Kaas) The First is a world boss found in Dromund Kaas and is available to Empire players only. A level 18 raid encounter, The First can be found in the Malignant Bog Heroic area with approximately 230,235K health.

Where are the Datacrons on Ord Mantell?

Ord Mantell has two datacrons and one matrix shard which can only be obtained by Republic players. The blue datacron is hidden on Savrip Island, the yellow datacron is hidden on the beaches near Volcano Camp, and the matrix shard is hidden in a hole on the beaches of Mannet Point.

Where are the Datacrons on Balmorra?

The datacron is located inside the heroic area Okara Droid Factory. The coordinates will not help you with this datacron at all. The thing is located inside a Heroic area hidden behind a hidden door on top of a pipe you have to drop on!!!

Does Dromund Kaas still exist?

The Eternal Fleet warships attacked many inhabited worlds in an effort to eradicate all life in the galaxy. The bombardment of Dromund Kaas eventually ended when the Alliance Commander took control of the Eternal Throne during the Battle of Zakuul.

Where can I find the datacron?

The datacron is located around -187,1738 and you will see the datacron up on a ledge above a waterfall. Go east of the waterfall and you’ll find a path that cuts behind the mountain located at -30,1700.

Where can I find the datacron in Hutt City?

The datacron is located around -187,1738 and you will see the datacron up on a ledge above a waterfall. Go east of the waterfall and you’ll find a path that cuts behind the mountain located at -30,1700. Follow this path and it will take you right behind the datacron on top of the waterfall. Codex Entry: Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms

What are datacrons and matrix shards?

are powerful artifacts scattered around the game world that permanently increase your stats or give you special Matrix Shards used for building Relics. Datacrons emit a colorful glow that identify the type of bonus they give.

How do I get to the datacron in the spaceport?

Go south from the main area of the Spaceport to get to Docking Bay D-61 via the elevator. The datacron is atop a stack of shipping containers. You can’t reach it from the ground, so you have to walk about halfway up the ramp in the room until you see a stack of crates on your right.