How much bus fare from Seoul to Busan?
How much bus fare from Seoul to Busan?
The cheapest way to get from Seoul to Busan is to bus which costs ₩24,000 – ₩37,000 and takes 4h. How do I get from Seoul to Busan the fastest? The fastest way to get from Seoul to Busan is to train. Taking this option will cost ₩22,000 – ₩65,000 and takes 2h 41m.
Is there KTX from Incheon Airport to Busan?
1. Incheon Airport To Busan By Train. There is no direct ktx Incheon to Busan, so passengers need to go over Seoul Station first. There are 2 options when going from Incheon Airport to Seoul, the first one is taking the subway and the second is by AREX express train.
How much is the bus in Busan?
Cash fare for regular buses is W1,000 or W950 with a Hanaro card, Mybi card, or bus tour pass. For the express bus, fare is W1,500 and W1,000, respectively. The late-night buses are W1,800 cash and W1,700 with a card.
How do you pay for bus in Busan?
Bus fares can be paid in cash (coins only), by bus card, or transportation card (used to pay both bus and Metro/Subway fares) upon boarding the bus.
How do I get from Incheon to Busan?
The quickest way to get from Busan to Incheon is to fly and subway which costs ₩31,000 – ₩90,000 and takes 3h 35m. Is there a direct bus between Busan and Incheon? Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Busan Central Bus Terminal and arriving at Incheon. Services depart every four hours, and operate every day.
How do I get from Incheon Airport to Busan?
The best way to get from Incheon Airport (ICN) to Busan is to fly which takes 2h 2m and costs ₩500,000 – ₩2000,000. Alternatively, you can bus via Seoul, which costs ₩39,000 – ₩55,000 and takes 5h 45m.
Is Busan better than Seoul?
As you might have guessed it really comes down to why you are going to Korea in the first place. If you want to enjoy the nightlife in Korea then Seoul is definitely the correct choice. If you want to enjoy the scenic views of the Korean coast, then Busan is much better than Seoul in that regard.
How do you pay for buses in Korea?
Bus fare can be paid either by cash or transportation card when boarding. If using a transportation card, passengers can get a transfer discount when changing to the subway system or another bus line.