How do you become a surveyor for Accreditation Canada?

Accreditation Canada surveyors have current experience in health care or social services as a senior professional, currently employed by an organization that is accredited by Accreditation Canada. A surveyor can also be a patient with extensive, first-hand knowledge of the health care system.

Is accreditation mandatory in Canada?

Accreditation is voluntary in some sectors and jurisdictions and mandatory in others. Within this reality, in total over 1,200 organizations (located on over 6,000 sites) throughout the continuum of care participate in Accreditation Canada programs.

Is healthcare facility accreditation mandatory in Canada?

Though not mandatory in all provinces, accreditation is a process almost all major health care organizations across Canada undergo (all teaching hospitals are required to be accredited).

Who works for Accreditation Canada?

Together, HSO and Accreditation Canada work with governments, regional health authorities, hospitals, and community-based programs and services in both the private and public sectors.

How do you become an accreditor?

In order to be eligible to become accredited, an applicant institution must demonstrate that it meets the Requirements of Affiliation (100). An institution of higher education may be said to be affiliated with the Commission only after it has achieved candidacy (pre-accreditation) or accredited status.

What is an accreditor?

Noun. accreditor (plural accreditors) A person or organization that provides accreditation.

How long does it take to get accredited?

The accreditation process typically takes 18 months to complete. Programs new to ABET accreditation begin with a formal request for a review. Accreditation: Step-by-Step offers a detailed overview of our accreditation process.

How do I become a Paascu Accreditor?

  1. The Institutional Self-Survey.
  2. The Consultancy Visit (only for those who will undertake a Preliminary Visit)
  3. The Preliminary Survey Visit.
  4. The Formal Survey Visit.
  5. Initial Accreditation Status Granted.
  6. Full Accreditation Status Granted.

What is a synonym for accreditation?

delegation, empowerment, license. (or licence), mandate.