What is the size of a 12U softball field?

The normal distance between the bases on a fastpitch softball field are 60 feet. The distance from Home Plate to Second Base should be 84 feet 10.25 inches. Home Plate – A 5 sided slap of whitened rubber (or similar material) .

How far are the bases in fastpitch softball?

60 feet
Baseline — The baselines in softball are 60 feet. When measuring baselines, the proper way to do it is from the back of home plate to the back white corner of first base.

What size softball does 16u use?

A twelve (12) inch, leather or synthetic covered softball will be used.

How far is a softball mound 14U?

43 feet
When players reach the 14U level, the pitching mound is moved back to 43 feet and that is where it will stay. The ball size will remain at 12 inches for the remainder of a softball players career as well.

How big is a fastpitch softball field?

Softball Field Dimensions

Baseline 65′ 60′
Home to Front of Rubber 50′ 43′
Radius of Skinned Infield 65′ 60′
Home Plate to Backstop 25′ min 25′ min
Home Plate Circle Varies Varies

What are the dimensions of a fastpitch softball field?

What are the dimensions for softball?

What is the diameter of a softball? 10 and under teams typically use a softball with a circumference of 11 inches and diameter of 3.5 inches. 11 and up age teams typically use a softball with a circumference of 12 inches and a diameter of 3.8 inches.

What is the size of a softball field?

What are the dimensions of a USSSA Fastpitch?

# COR: 46.25 +/- 0.75 Circumference: 12 +/- 1/8” Weight: 6.6 +/- 0.30 oz. FASTPITCH (11”) OPTIC YELLOW COVER ONLY -BLUE STITCH Ball – must have “USSSA FASTPITCH CLASSIC “, in 1/8” minimum letters and the USSSA logo in at least 7/8” diameter. Lettering and logo in blue. Compression: Maximum of

What are the dimensions of a softball field?

Measures 24 inches by 6 inches. It shall be set in the ground with the top flush with the playing surface. Distance from Home Plate to the Pitcher’s Mound can vary, however it is typically between 35 – 43 feet. This distance is usually determined by age of the players.

Where can I find USSSA’s Fastpitch rule book?

USSSA’s On-Line Fastpitch Rule Book is located at: www.USSSA.com The On-Line Rule Book Supersedes the Printed Edition There are no other rule books that govern USSSA Fastpitch. %(˜˘ #˜,˝!ˆ ˇ˝˘˜ The Fastpitch Field Diagram Base and Pitching Measurement – 60’ bases 15 ˇ E (O ˆ ˘ – 20)

How many feet is the grass line in softball?

For fast pitch softball the measurement is more likely 35 to 40 feet. The Grass Line or Rim of the Infield. Typically the Grass Line is 60 feet in a semi-circle in circumference from the Pitchers Mound (rubber).