Is E.T. home phone or home phone?

Answer: It is Gertie who first says “E.T. phone home” in the film, after correcting E.T.’s grammar, who tells her “E.T. home phone.”

Does E.T. say phone?

The Movie. In the ET never says, “E.T. phone home”. It’s always been, “E.T. home phone”.

What is the meaning of E.T. phone home?

But lonely alien is still lonely, and he wants to reach his family back home. In space. His way of communicating his desire (as he barely knows English) is to say “E.T., phone home.” This being the 1980s, they don’t even have cell phones, much less intergalactic calling ability, so they have to build a device to do it.

What is the famous line that E.T. says?

One memorable line was when Elliot says, “I’ll believe in you all my life, every day. E.T., I love you.” Another great line from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is, “All right. I just hope we don’t wake up on Mars or somethin’ surrounded by millions of these squashy little guys,” spoken by Michael.

What is the first thing E.T. says?

Taglines. He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home.

What is E.T.’s job?


Personal Information
Alien Botanist
Brodo Asogi

What did E.T. say to Elliot at the end of the movie?

It gets sadder! After they hug it out, E.T. holds his healing, glowing finger up to Elliott’s forehead and says, “I’ll be right here.” Yet another callback!

What does E.T. stand for?

Acronym Definition
ET Eastern Time
ET Entertainment Tonight (TV show)
ET Extraterrestrial
ET Elapsed Time

Does E.T. say phone home in the movie?

The story behind the quote: The quote comes from the classic Steven Spielberg film, Steven Spielberg. The movie is all about an alien who gets left on Earth and is found by a group of kids.

What is E.T.’s real name?

They would have also revealed E.T.’s real name: Zrek. Did you learn something new about the iconic film?