Where can I find law cases online UK?

UK Cases. If you don’t know which law report a case appears in you can use JustCite to locate it. If you are searching for cases on a topic, try LexisLibrary or Westlaw first, as they cover a large number of different law reports. If you are looking for a pre 1865 case try HeinOnline, Justis, LexisLibrary or Westlaw.

How do I find a legal precedent UK?

To find a precedent, either:

  1. go directly to the volume that deals with that subject area and use the contents pages or index to locate your precedent, or.
  2. use the Consolidated Index volume, or the Form Finder volume.

Where can I find British cases?

Where can I find English Cases online?

  • HeinOnline, English Reports (1220-1867) http://www.sandiego.edu/law/library/find-resources/research-databases/
  • House of Lords Cases (1996-2009)
  • Supreme Court (pending and decided cases)
  • British and Irish Legal Information Institute.
  • Westlaw (HTML only)
  • LexisNexis (HTML only)

Where can legal professionals get information about cases?

7 Free legal search engines and databases.

  • Fastcase: For an online law library.
  • CourtListener: For legal opinions.
  • Caselaw Access Project: For book-published case law.
  • FindLaw: For searchable Supreme Court decisions.
  • Legal Information Institute: For US law online and a legal encyclopedia.
  • Casetext and ROSS: For AI assistance.
  • Are court transcripts public record UK?

    The Crown gives blanket permission for copying and distribution of transcripts for any legitimate criminal justice function and/or for access to personal data. If you wish to obtain a copy of a court case where you were the defendant, you should speak to the court concerned for details of how to go about this.

    How do I find law reports online?

    You can search for cases online using:

    1. BAILII – a free database with the widest coverage of case transcripts.
    2. LawCite – a free database giving citation information for cases.
    3. CommonLII – a free database indexing cases from former Commonwealth countries.

    Where can I read UK cases?