Is Contagion worth watching?

Contagion is certainly a film worth seeing. It takes a much different approach to a genre we thought we were so familiar with. Soderbergh’s poignant direction and Scott Z. Burns’ sharp script give this film a great atmosphere, and the incredible cast lineup makes it all the better.

How realistic is the film Contagion?

Our experts think it’s a realistic story — so realistic that Rebecca Katz, director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University, says she often shows the film’s ending to the students in her class on emerging infectious diseases.

What kind of virus is in Contagion?

Nipah virus inspired the film “Contagion.” We’re testing a vaccine.

What is the lesson in the movie Contagion?

The most important messages from ‘Contagion’ and our real-life pandemic are the importance of hope, grit and the sense of community.

Is contagion a scary movie?

Scary movies assure our brains that the terror is happening there, not here. They’re chilling security blankets. A few weeks ago, the pandemic film “Contagion” was terrifying and cautionary but also a work of fiction. Now many of its fictions are facts, and the fear is real.

What part of speech is Contagion?

contagion noun
contagion noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What was the role of the CDC in the movie Contagion?

Pictures feature film, Contagion, fictionalizes the world’s emergency response to a novel respiratory disease outbreak. The movie, partially filmed at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Headquarters in Atlanta, follows the process to investigate and respond to the unfolding outbreak.

Is contagion OK for kids to watch?

Age Appropriate for: 15+. The death scenes may be too much for younger teens; specifically graphic is an autopsy scene that involves sawing open a character’s skull, with the camera focused on her lifeless face.