What is the least aggressive freshwater fish?

Some More Peaceful Freshwater Fish

  • Neon Tetras.
  • Platies.
  • Pompadour Fish.
  • Ram Cichlid.
  • Rasbora.
  • Swordtail.
  • Honey Gourami.

What is a semi-aggressive fish?

When a fish is labeled semi-aggressive, it usually means that the fish can be very aggressive under the right circumstances. Very aggressive means it could attack other fish and kill them, eat other fish as food, or relentlessly chase other fish around until they die of stress.

What freshwater aquarium fish are aggressive?

10 Most Aggressive Freshwater Aquarium Fish

  • Piranha. Piranha.
  • Arowana (Silver & Asian) Arowana (source)
  • African Cichlids. African Cichlids.
  • Oscar Fish. Oscar Fish.
  • Rainbow Shark. Rainbow Shark (source – CC BY-SA 4.0)
  • Red Tailed Shark. Red Tailed Shark.
  • Flowerhorn. Flowerhorn (source – CC BY-SA 4.0)
  • Tiger Barb.

What freshwater fish are peaceful?

Like the guppy and platy, mollies are very common. They’re often one of the first species aquarists try out. That’s because these fish are peaceful, easy-going, and undemanding.

Are tetras aggressive?

Neon Tetras are not aggressive, but they can show aggressive behavior if stressed or uncomfortable. Stress could be provoked by a lack of space in the tank, the wrong tank mates, poor water conditions, or bullying, and it is something you need to deal with if it happens.

Can all freshwater fish live together?

Many species of freshwater tropical fish can work well together in the same tank. Popular choices often labeled as “community fish” or with “peaceful” attitudes include… Within these fish species, some breeds are better adapted to group living than others.

Are tetras aggressive fish?

Tetras are social, so be sure to have a school of them in your tank. Some tetra species are more aggressive than others and will bite at long-finned fish mates like betta fish. So be careful of which community tank mates you choose. They do well with barbs, danios, goldfish, and catfish.

Can you keep aggressive fish with community fish?

Move the Aggressive Fish into a Different Aquarium – just don’t get along with other fish species. They are so territorial, predatory, and aggressive that keeping them in a communal aquarium is simply not a good choice.

Are GloFish Tetras aggressive?

GloFish tend toward aggressive behavior. The potential is there. The level of aggression and the reason for it depends on what type of GloFish you have. Some types prefer to be part of a large group of fish, while others display more aggression in groups of five or more.