What is mineralization of dentin?

A thick dentin layer forms the bulk of dental mineralized dental tissues. Dentin is capped by a crown made of highly mineralized and protective enamel, and in the root, it is covered by cementum, a structure implicated in the attachment of the teeth to the bony socket.

What is non collagenous proteins in dentin?

Non-collagenous components include proteoglycans (such as decorin, biglycan, fibromodulin, lumican, osteoadherin, and versican) and several glycoproteins such as osteocalcin, osteonectin, and the SIBLING proteins (i.e. osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, dentin matrix protein-1, dentin sialophosphoprotein, and matrix …

How are dentinal tubules formed?

Mesenchymal cell differentiation into odontoblasts determines dentin tubule formation in the prospective dentin. Dentin and tubule formation is accomplished by proteins secreted from odontoblasts into the extracellular space. These events are followed by mineralization [12].

What is dentinal matrix?

Dentin is primarily composed of hydroxyapatite crystals within a rich organic matrix. The organic matrix comprises collagenous structural components, within which a variety of bioactive molecules are sequestered.

What is reparative dentinogenesis?

Reparative dentinogenesis is the biological regeneration of dentin from new odontoblast-like cells when a dental injury is severe and reaches up to the dental pulp (Smith et al., 1995; Simon et al., 2012).

What are the Hypocalcified structures of dentin?

Enamel hypocalcification is a defect of tooth enamel in which normal amounts of enamel are developed but are hypomineralized. In this imperfection the enamel is flexible than usual. Some areas in enamel are hypocalcified: enamel spindles.

Does enamel have collagen?

Mature dental enamel is the most mineralized of all mammalian tissues and considered to be free of collagen.

Is Osteonectin a proteoglycan?

What are dentinal tubules made of?

Dentin is approximately 55 vol% mineral, 30 vol% organic material (primarily type I collagen), and 15 vol% fluid [46], but dentin composition varies with the age and tooth type. The organic portion of collagen is surrounded by water, and hydrogen bonding exists between the strands of the collagen [48].

What is Interglobular dentin?

Interglobular dentine (IGD) is an area of poorly mineralized dentine matrix. It has been reported that there is an association between the retraction of odontoblast processes (OP) and the formation of IGD. A variation of the extent of OP has been described depending on the region of the tooth and age.

Does dentine contain collagen?

Collagen constitutes 90% of the dentin organic matrix, and the major component of the dentin collagen is type I; it also contains type III and V traces. Proteoglycans and other noncollagenous proteins constitute approximately 10% of the dentin organic matrix, whereas lipids form the remaining 2%.