What is the fine structure of spectral lines?

fine structure, in spectroscopy, the splitting of the main spectral lines of an atom into two or more components, each representing a slightly different wavelength. Fine structure is produced when an atom emits light in making the transition from one energy state to another.

What do you mean by fine structure of hydrogen spectrum?

In atomic physics, the fine structure describes the splitting of the spectral lines of atoms due to electron spin and relativistic corrections to the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation. It was first measured precisely for the hydrogen atom by Albert A. Michelson and Edward W.

What spectral type is hydrogen?

Absorption and Emission Lines in Real Stars

Spectral Type Temperature (Kelvin) Spectral Lines
O 28,000 – 50,000 Ionized helium
B 10,000 – 28,000 Helium, some hydrogen
A 7500 – 10,000 Strong hydrogen, some ionized metals
F 6000 – 7500 Hydrogen, ionized calcium (labeled H and K on spectra) and iron

What are the four spectral lines of hydrogen?

Figure 7.3. (b) When the light emitted by a sample of excited hydrogen atoms is split into its component wavelengths by a prism, four characteristic violet, blue, green, and red emission lines can be observed, the most intense of which is at 656 nm.

What is a fine spectrum?

The fine spectrum is defined as the splitting of spectrum into closely spaced lines. This is observed when H atom is placed in Electrical or Magnetic field.

Why is fine structure important?

The fine-structure constant determines the strength of the electromagnetic force, and is central in explaining a number of phenomena including the interactions between light and charged elementary particles such as electrons.

Which spectral type has the strongest hydrogen lines?

A-type stars
Stars are divided into groups called spectral types which are based on the strength of the hydrogen absorption lines. The A-type stars have the strongest (darkest) hydrogen lines, B-type next strongest, F-type next, etc.

Why does hydrogen only have 4 spectral lines?

Although hydrogen has only one electron, it contains many energy levels. When its electron jumps from higher energy level to a lower one, it releases a photon. Those photons cause different colours of light of different wavelengths due to the different levels. Those photons appear as lines.

What are hydrogen lines?

The hydrogen line, 21-centimeter line, or H I line is the electromagnetic radiation spectral line that is created by a change in the energy state of neutral hydrogen atoms. This electromagnetic radiation has a precise frequency of 1420405751.

Why does the atomic spectrum have a fine structure?

Fine structure arises because the electron has an intrinsic angular momentum or spin that interacts with the magnetic field that is produced, for example, as the electron orbits the nucleus at relativistic speeds.

What is the correct order for the spectral types?

Stars are classified by their spectra (the elements that they absorb) and their temperature. There are seven main types of stars. In order of decreasing temperature, O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. O and B stars are uncommon but very bright; M stars are common but dim..