What is omniscient in a sentence?

Omniscient sentence example. His power is limitless, his anger at wrong-doing unassuageable, and he is omniscient . Immortal doesn’t mean omniscient or anything. Such a view is essential to any theistic view of the universe which postulates God as the Creator, omniscient and all-good.

What is the dictionary definition of omniscient?

Definition of omniscient 1 : having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight an omniscient author the narrator seems an omniscient person who tells us about the characters and their relations— Ira Konigsberg. 2 : possessed of universal or complete knowledge the omniscient God.

How do u use omniscience in a sentence?

Omniscience in a Sentence 1. Because he believes in God’s omniscience, the child is sure that his creator is aware of everything he does all day. 2. The conspiracy theorist believes that the omniscience of the government is coming from the fact that they have total insight into our lives through technology.

What is the synonym of omniscient?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for omniscient. all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent, supreme.

How do you use omnipotent in a sentence?

Omnipotent sentence example

  1. It’s a good thing God is omnipotent .
  2. For the remaining four years of his reign they were omnipotent ; but able and unscrupulous as they were, they could not solve the problem of successful governance.

Does omniscient mean all-knowing?

To be omniscient is to know everything. This often refers to a special power of God. If you combine the Latin roots omnis (meaning “all”) and scientia (meaning “knowledge”), you’ll get omniscient, meaning “knowledge of all.” It would be nice to be omniscient: then you would know absolutely everything in the world.

What’s the opposite of omniscient?

What is the opposite of omniscient?

stupid unknowing
unknowledgeable uneducated
uncomprehending unlearned
unenlightened clueless
uninitiated illiterate

How do you write omniscient?

Writing in third person omniscient should include the use of characters’ name and pronouns. Third person omniscient words may include pronouns such as he, she, they, it, as well as character names to indicate which character’s actions, thoughts, and feelings are being described.

What is omniscience in literature?

An ‘all-knowing’ kind of narrator very commonly found in works of fiction written as third-person narratives. The omniscient narrator has a full knowledge of the story’s events and of the motives and unspoken thoughts of the various characters.

What is an example of omnipotent?

The definition of omnipotent is someone or something that is all-powerful. An example of omnipotent is God. God. Having unlimited power, force or authority.

What is the example of omnipresent?

Something that is omnipresent is present everywhere or seems to be always present. The sound of sirens was an omnipresent background noise in New York. The obsessive thoughts became so omnipresent that her memory was affected.