How do you make a chat box in HTML and CSS?

  1. /* The popup chat – hidden by default */ .form-popup { display: none; position: fixed; bottom: 0;
  2. /* Full-width textarea */ .form-container textarea { width: 100%; padding: 15px; margin: 5px 0 22px 0;
  3. /* Set a style for the submit/login button */ .form-container .btn { background-color: #04AA6D; color: white;

How do you make a live chat in HTML?

How to Add Live Chat to a Website, Step by Step

  1. 1) Go to “Website Chat” and then “Customer Chat Widgets” inside of MobileMonkey.
  2. 2) Name your chat widget.
  3. 3) Select your chat widget colour.
  4. 4) Set up your welcome message.
  5. 5) Set up actions to the responses you receive from your initial question.
  6. 6) Ask for an email address.

How do I create a chat website?

Guide to setting up your own free live website chat

  1. Log into your dashboard. Once you have set up a free account, the next step is to log into your new dashboard.
  2. Embed the live chat code on your website.
  3. Cross-domain session sharing.
  4. Pre-chat form setup.
  5. Direct chat links.

How can we create a simple Web chat application in HTML?

How to Create a Simple Web-Based Chat Application

  1. Step 1: HTML Markup. We will start this tutorial by creating our first file, called index.
  2. Step 2: CSS Styling.
  3. Step 3: Using PHP to Create a Login Form.
  4. 2 Million+ WordPress Themes & Plugins, Web & Email Templates, UI Kits and More.

How do you make a chat bubble in CSS?


  1. CSS Talk Bubble configured by classes.

  2. This one adds a right triangle on the left, flush at the top by using .tri-right and .left-top to specify the location.

How do I add ChatBot to my website?

How to add ChatBot to your website

  1. Go to the Integrations panel and select Chat Widget.
  2. Click on the Publish your bot section.
  3. Copy the code from the box by clicking on “Copy to clipboard”
  4. Paste the code to your website’s source code before the tag.

How can I integrate WhatsApp into HTML?

What are the ways to add a WhatsApp click-to-chat button on the website?

  1. Use the WhatsApp API documentation. Let’s start with the most “technical” solution (it’s actually very easy).
  2. Use the Callbell chat widget.
  3. Use the GetButton chat widget.

How do I create a chatting app?

How To Make a Chat App in 3 Easy Steps

  1. Name & logo. To make an app choose a template, or a blank app and set the name and icons.
  2. Set Features. Select features from the Chat app maker that suits best your needs.
  3. Publish. Push the Publish button, and we will do the rest to publish your Chat App. Let’s create you a mobile app.