What does the word rural mean in French?

adjective. [monde, milieu, région] rural. ruraux plural masculine noun. les ruraux country people.

What does it mean to call someone rural?

The definition of a rural is a person who lives in the country. An example of rural is a farmer. noun. 5. 2.

What is the meaning of rural rural areas?

A rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or other buildings, and not very many people. A rural areas population density is very low. Many people live in a city, or urban area.

Is Le Monde left or right?

Le Monde is the premier center-left newspaper in France. It was founded under Charles de Gaulle after WWII and is the most widely-read paper, especially outside of France. This publication is considered center-right, somewhat more conservative compared to Libération.

Where should I live in rural France?

Ariège (09) Midi-Pyrenees area.

  • Aveyron (12) Midi-Pyrenees area.
  • Corrèze (19) Limousin area.
  • Côtes d’Armor (22) Brittany.
  • Haute Loire (43) Auvergne area.
  • Indre (36) Centre-Val-de-Loire region.
  • Jura (39) Franche-Comté area.
  • Mayenne (53) Pays de la Loire region.
  • What do you call a person living in a rural area?

    You could use ruralite. Per Oxford Dictionaries Online: A person who lives in a rural area; a country-dweller.

    Is Suburban rural?

    Suburban areas are references to areas where there are residences. These areas have a larger population than a rural area; however, they are small and typically outlying from a larger city. Suburban areas are also known as “burbs” for short.

    How do you know if area is rural or urban?

    Based on the size of the population, a centre, where bank branch is located, is classified either into rural, semi-urban, urban, or metropolitan as under: Rural: population less than 10,000. Semi-Urban: 10,000 and above and less than 1 lakh. Urban: 1 lakh and above and less than 10 lakh.