What do you say to loss of a family member?

Words of sympathy

  • “I’m thinking of you during this difficult time”
  • “You are in my thoughts, and I’m here if you need to talk or hold my hand”
  • “I’m sorry you’re going through this”
  • “I was saddened to hear of Michael’s passing, and my thoughts are with you and your family.”
  • “I’m sending you my condolences.”

How do you express sadness when someone dies?

1. Express sympathy for their loss

  1. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
  2. “My deepest sympathies to you and your family.”
  3. “Words can’t describe how sorry I am for your loss.”
  4. “Thinking of you at this difficult time.”
  5. “So sorry to hear about your mother…”.

How do you write a condolence letter for someone you didn’t know?

8 Things to Write in a Sympathy Card When You Don’t Know Them Well

  1. Explain how you knew the deceased.
  2. Share a fond memory.
  3. Compliment what you knew.
  4. Share what you know about grief.
  5. State your confidence in them.
  6. Express your love for them.
  7. Tell them you’re sorry.

How do you express deep condolences?

Example condolence messages

  1. I’m sorry for your loss.
  2. Please accept my deepest condolences for you and your family’s loss.
  3. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
  4. I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of your father.
  5. It was with great sadness that we learned of Daniel’s passing.

How do you say sorry for your loss to a family member?


  1. “We are so sorry for your loss.”
  2. “I’m going to miss her, too.”
  3. “I hope you feel surrounded by much love.”
  4. “Sharing in your sadness as you remember Juan.”
  5. “Sharing in your sadness as you remember Dan.”
  6. “Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs.
  7. “With deepest sympathy as you remember Robert.”

What do u say to someone who lost someone?

What to say to someone who has been bereaved

  • Say how sorry you are.
  • Share a memory.
  • Offer them space to talk.
  • Tell them however they feel is OK.
  • Recognise how hard it is for them.
  • Ask if there is anything they need.
  • Tell them you’re thinking of them.
  • Sometimes you don’t need to say anything.

How do you comfort someone who lost a family member?

What to say to someone who’s grieving the loss of a loved one

  1. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”
  2. “I’m here for you.”
  3. “My favorite memory of your loved one is…”
  4. “I don’t know how you feel, but I am here to help in any way I can.”
  5. “God has a plan.” or “They’re in a better place now.”

How do you send condolences via text?

Examples of Mourning Texts

  1. Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you, praying for you, and grieving with you.
  2. I’m here if you ever need to talk.
  3. My heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family.
  4. Can I bring you anything?
  5. I’m sorry for your loss.
  6. Just wanted to share my favorite photo of [name] with you.