What makes up culture of a country?

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

What are the 7 factors of culture?

Social Organization.

  • Language.
  • Customs and Traditions.
  • Religion.
  • Arts and Literature.
  • Forms of Government.
  • Economic Systems.
  • What are the 8 factors of culture?

    Terms in this set (8)

    • Religion. Beliefs of a society, some traditions.
    • Art. Architecture, style.
    • Politics. Government and laws of a culture (rules and leadership)
    • Language. Communication system of a culture (speech, writing, symbols)
    • Economy.
    • Customs.
    • Society.
    • Geography.

    What are the 3 components of culture?

    Components of Culture

    • Survival.
    • Education – the way people in a culture learn what they need to know in order to be successful in their culture.
    • Transportation – the way a culture gets people and goods from one place to another.
    • Communication – the way a culture shares ideas and messages.

    What are the 12 elements of culture?

    Terms in this set (12)

    • Appearance. How people look.
    • Belief systems. Their religion.
    • Communication. How they talk.
    • Dates/ historical events. Important dates to the people.
    • Entertainment. How they have fun.
    • Food people eat. What they eat.
    • Government. How they run their region.
    • Housing and type of agriculture. How they live.

    What are 10 cultural components?

    Terms in this set (10)

    • Values. Beliefs, principles and important aspects of lifestyle.
    • Customs. Holidays, clothing, greetings, typical rituals and activities.
    • Marriage and Family. Type of marriage (i.e. arranged, free, same sex, etc.)
    • Government and Law.
    • Games and Leisure.
    • Economy and Trade.
    • Language.
    • Religion.

    What are 3 cultural traits?

    All cultures have characteristics such as initiations, traditions, history, values and principles, purpose, symbols, and boundaries.